how to not gain on weekends in the summer?

lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
Man oh man am i having a hard time not gaining on weekends or this summer in general. It seems all i do is keep losing the same 3 lbs all summer. I am with in my goals all week and then weekends are camping trips. I try to still log everything and keep track of everything but i still seem to gain? even if it is just water weight, i still gain 2-3lbs... Then i find it will take all week to get it off and then BAM the weekend is here again and i am doing the same thing over the next week. I have not seen a actual loss at all this summer yet, just up and down the same lbs.,... how does one still lose while camping, etc on weekends.... This weekend i drank lots of h20, walked lots, bike rides, etc and still put on 3lbs... can't tell me b/c i ate 2 hot dogs that did me in,lol....


  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
  • Afrikangirl
    Afrikangirl Posts: 54 Member
    I was on that same roller coaster....until I decided to stop the insanity!! Can't keep doing the same thing....and hope for a different know what needs doing!! JUST DO IT!!
  • InfinitePoss
    InfinitePoss Posts: 60 Member
    I have to agree with Africangirl on this.

    I was not really gaining weight but for the whole month of June my weight did not budge, not a horrible thing considering that I fell of the wagon a bit , but it was really frustrating. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that it finally caught up with me and I got serious again and now my weight has started to move.

    Also, I have to wonder what you are actually eating on the weekends because if you are on top of everything during the week it would seem that you would really need to go off the range to gain three pounds over the course of a couple of days.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    see and that's the thing, i am not eating as "good" but not crazy! i'm not eating tons or anything but i think it's b/c of the few drinks i have
    ( which is what seems to put me over) plus when camping each weekend i do have a few hot dogs. That is the only time i ever eat them. i know they can tend to be higher in sodium but you think how active i am and drinking tons of water it would balance itself out... i wouldn't be surprised if i ate like a pig and ate chips, pop, etc while camping to put on the weight even if it's just water but i am still trying to be good. ( with a few drinks,lol)
  • 4schrocks
    4schrocks Posts: 42 Member
    see and that's the thing, i am not eating as "good" but not crazy! i'm not eating tons or anything but i think it's b/c of the few drinks i have
    ( which is what seems to put me over) plus when camping each weekend i do have a few hot dogs. That is the only time i ever eat them. i know they can tend to be higher in sodium but you think how active i am and drinking tons of water it would balance itself out... i wouldn't be surprised if i ate like a pig and ate chips, pop, etc while camping to put on the weight even if it's just water but i am still trying to be good. ( with a few drinks,lol)

    I am in the same boat you're in. We camp almost every weekend during the summer and I just seem to be yoyoing from losing during the week and then gaining on the weekend. This weekend I literally watched everything I ate while out camping and the scale this morning only went up .8lbs.....
  • peppiee
    peppiee Posts: 84 Member
    I have been cycling the same 2 pounds since May with all the summer activities in full force. For me, it's the drinks at social activities that are doing me in. Me and one of my MFP friends just challenged ourselves to go 2 weeks without any alchohol. Today is day 5 and I did not gain this weekend and lost .4 pounds, which is the first I've seen since May!
    Good Luck!
  • caevans10
    caevans10 Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same problem. I'm pretty sure it is the drinks too. Those sneaky calories in alcohol catch up with you. I make sure I log those in too.
  • brh2262
    brh2262 Posts: 3
    I too am with you here but I knew it would happen. I live in Wisconsin and there is a fair or fest every weekend here. I also camp as often as I can get out. I planned on it by adjusting my goals to maintain throughout the summer months. After all, if you can't have some fun and treat yourself every once in a while, what's the point? I just make sure it doesn't get away from me by being a good boy during the week and the weekends (very few) that there isn't something going on. It's working for me anyway. Good luck to you!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    maybe it's the drinks doing me in .... i try to log them all as well. I only had maybe 5 ( coolers) this weekend and only drank water the rest of the time. I was surprised my last time out camping, i ate whatever, drank pepsi, had chips a few hot dogs, made smores and drank lots and i hardly gained? this time i only had a few drinks and a few hot dogs and that is what i get? sometime sit just boggles my mind... it doesn't makes sense to me, i am just as active every time we go camping but one time i will gain 3 lbs when trying to be cautious and the other time i gain next to nothing eating unhealthy? i even made sure this time when everyone was eating chips i had cherries! i just don't get it???? i am down from 3 lbs to 2.2 left now as of this am.... so it's coming off but it's frustrating, i haven't seen that number on the scale since beginning of june...i don't want to creep back up that way... but i can't go camping without having a roasted hot dog over the fire... it's just not the same!