Quick healthy Lunch ideas? I'm new:)

Hi Everyone

just been on here a week or so and would love to here what you have for lunch to keep you full till dinner.
as I'm having trouble around 3pm and just grabbing anything in my crazy hunger bursts:(

all ideas will be much appreciated.
thank you
Sydney Australia


  • i would suggest eating more protein! i usually eat a spinach salad, loaded with carrots, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, tomatoes, avocado, and grilled chicken! (i try to grill extra so i have some throughout the week). you could also top it with lunch meat like smoked turkey!

    I was getting so hungry in my first week, no matter how much I'd eaten for lunch, but since introducing more protein haven't been at all.

    At Woolies/Safeway at the moment they are doing a wonderful deal where you can buy poultry/fish and they put it in an oven bag with sauce (for free!). I've been finding if I cook three chicken breasts at night (30 mins in the oven in the bag, easiest ever!), I have enough for my partner and I, plus about 3/4 of a chicken breast for me to take to work for lunch. Having that with 1/2-3/4 cup steamed rice (brown usually) and veges goes down so well and I'm not hungry til dinner time. Plus, all of this is just what we have for dinner, so all that needs doing is a 2 minute reheat in the microwave!

    I also find snacking on almonds and cans of tuna takes away the hunger pretty quickly.
  • Definitely protein. Cottage cheese on crackers, almonds, sliced turkey breast, edamame. Have protein in your lunch but also have handy protein snacks handy for when you get hungry. Drink plenty of water too. Cravings for water and protein can often be mistaken for sugar cravings. I also find if I have protein for breakfast (eggs, yoghurt) is stay full. When I have bread (toast) at breakfast I have cravings and find it tough to get through the day.
  • amitybs
    amitybs Posts: 35
    Definitely protein! But if you're having that afternoon snack attack be prepared and have something healthy on hand to munch on...I prefer veggies and hummus or a v-8 and some string cheese and nuts or fruit. I try to have my meals ready with a good balance, doesn't always work that way! I found what works for me is eating 5 or 6 times a day in order to curb hunger and avoid over eating. Hope it helps, and this is a long journey but it will be worth it!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    left overs :)
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    Why do you have to wait until dinner to eat, if you're hungry? I eat an afternoon snack every day!! Why force yourself to wait?

    Have something with protein at 3pm; plan it into your day that it's available (if you need it that day). Along with a big glass of water!

    Hi Everyone

    just been on here a week or so and would love to here what you have for lunch to keep you full till dinner.
    as I'm having trouble around 3pm and just grabbing anything in my crazy hunger bursts:(

    all ideas will be much appreciated.
    thank you
    Sydney Australia
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Turkey deli meat wrapped in spinach with tomatoes and brown mustard is a quick fav of mine. Add in a bit of cottage cheese and some fresh fruit and I'm good to go.
  • chippy83
    chippy83 Posts: 92 Member
    I've recently gotten back into the swing of things with lunches... I agree with the high protein, high water intake that's echoed throughout the replies. I personally love grilled chicken with avocado in pretty much any form. I'm a person who loves texture in meals, so I enjoy packing a lot of "munchy vegetables" (ie- celery, carrot sticks, bell pepper) with low-fat ranch (Bolthouse Yogurt Ranch-- so yummy), sliced apples, sandwiches on wheat bread or sandwich thin rolls, Special K cracker chips for a low-fat way to have "chips", greek yogurt... and generally just packing a variety of lunches. I find that packing some different things each day is helpful in keeping me excited about lunch.

    Also-- eat a mid-day snack!! It will keep your blood sugar up, as it's good to eat every 3-4 hours, and also make you "hungry" for dinner instead of "starving" which tends to lead to over-eating and feeling guilty (at least in my case).

    Here's an article I saw linked on another thread, and the meals look tasty: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/01/healthy-recipes-quick-low-calorie-lunches_n_1638315.html

    Happy lunching! :)
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Protein, a bit of healthy fat and lots of raw veg is the best to fill up on for lunch I find.

    A great afternoon snack is one of those mini tins of tuna and crackers, sometimes they are prepared with other stuff as tuna salad, I don't know if you have them in Australia though.

    Or even a regular can of tuna, mixed with hot sauce (and mayo if you want) and rolled up in lettuce or on a slice of whole grain bread is a good, quick and filling lunch option.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Replace your bread with Flatout Light wraps and load them with veggies so you stay full longer. If you can't give up the bread switch to the 45 calorie bread. Special K Cracker Chips taste like pringles and you can have 30 for 110 calories. Berries are low in calories and with a little splenda are fantastic dessert. Drink a giant glass of water (mmm crystal light). If you like soup, Progresso makes several under 100 calories and they are tasty. Lean Pockets are all under 300. Lean Gourmet makes a Salisbury Steak that is 180 and tasty. 34 degrees Crackers (costco) are really good for tuna lunches since they have a lot of surface area for few calories. If you run the risk of getting busy and having to skip lunch bring Diet Shakes so you have something to fill you (I like Target Milk Chocolate 170 cal).
  • ctwm84
    ctwm84 Posts: 31 Member
    I love to have taco salad for lunch, I use iceberg lettuce, tomatos, onions, cilantro, 1/2 cup refried beans, 2 tbsp la victoria taco sauce. I dont put any meat in it.

    I also love chicken salad wrap, La tortilla low carb tortilla, 1 small chicken breast cut up w 2 tbsp of fat free mayo, 1 celery stalk chopped, spinach, tomato and cucumber.

    With my lunch I usually eat a 110 calorie yoplait greek yogurt and a half cup of some kind of fruit.

    I also love healthy choice microwave bowl soups. The cals range between 180-220 for the whole bowl.
  • lindsay1502_
    lindsay1502_ Posts: 3 Member

    Thank you everyone for the great idea's much appreciated:)
    Chippy83 that link looks great the recipes look easy and delicious as well.

    Thanks again everyone:)