Looking for a weight loss buddy

I am looking for a weightless buddy. Someone that truly will be an online friend. Someone that will message me most days
About how their day went and what tips, tricks and websites they have discovered and want to know about mine. Who will never go why on earth did you eat that but instead says I would have had this instead. If you are that person(s) let's lose weight together.


  • BetsyRose
    BetsyRose Posts: 4
    I can be your buddy
  • supermomtothree
    supermomtothree Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to be your support system. I have been working on my weight since December. I helped organize a Biggest Loser Contest at work, to help others get motivates. I also am working on a daily blog that you are welcome to follow.


    Let me know what I can do to help