Logging my food on bad days is tough

njjswim Posts: 178 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I am really struggling with logging on days I blow my eating plan and of course it always happens after supper. I find myself wanting to eat everything I can get my hands on until I finally go to bed. I need some kind of motivation. I am having nightmares sometimes about me in the hospital with some over weight related admission for a blood clot or something. I think my brain is telling me get with the program and get this weight off.
I work out but can't seem to eat healthy after or at supper time. Any advice. I mean I know what to do and can help others but for some reason I am on this slippery slope....:cry:


  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    If it's that tough than you're probably having too many bad days.. Keep focused..:indifferent:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    By putting it in and then clicking that "I'm done logging" button is scary. I went way over one day and when I clicked it said that I would actually gain weight :embarassed: Do it no matter how much it embarrasses you..you will be better for it. I have personally been over by 1000 cals, and I have read other posts where people are over by like 2500, so you are not alone!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    That's the hard time for me too- between dinner and bedtime. Nothing seems to be helping right now, so I don't have any useful advice, but I can empathize with you.


    My only suggestion for days like this is to try not to go over your calorie deficit, so at the very least you don't move into the "gain" zone. My deficit is 1000 calories, so I know if I go over my net calories by 1000 or less, I haven't gained anything that day...which is a small victory at least.

    One more thing you can do is to, if at all possible, do a workout before you go to bed, and burn off some of those extra calories. I'm over by 1000 right now, and I'm going to try to muster the energy to workout in a few minutes.
  • Drink water! It fills your belly & leaves no room for after dinner snacks. Also, be sure to eat a healthy, nutritious dinner. And if that doesn't help, think about undigested food gurgling around in your tummy while ur trying to sleep--I have found that I sleep a lot better now that I've said goodbye to late night snacking :)
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Start fresh the next day...Don't hit yourself over the head. Now you go girl!:wink:
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Thanks I will try. Your right each day is a blessing to cherish and may new and better so I will somehow keep paws off the snacks and take the stress level with the kids at night down a notch or two.
  • Robby
    Robby Posts: 41
    Plan to log your food the previous day, plan it out, then before dinner, log on and review. It really helps to forward to the next day and find the perfect combo of meals so you don't have to think too much the next day because you already know what you're going to eat!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I log them and find those bad days are really not a bad as you think. It takes around 5000-6000 calories for you to gain a pound a real pound. Usually the overage days are just what my body needed and there is no real consequence except bloating and water retention. I found that I have to strike a balance between having a calorie deficit large enought to lose but not so large that I will have a eat fest when I see cake or fried chicken
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks your right if you total your week and have at least cut back by 3500 calories within 7 days you should still loose one pound. So I could just cut back the next day. Plus your right about logging anyway since sometimes it is not as bad as you thought when you eat the cake you may still be somewhat under or slightly over.

    Thanks all!!!!:happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • When I was trying to break my before bedtime snack(s) I did something that was very successful for me.
    I used to chug diet cherry pepsi. Litterally until I was asleep in my bed. But it filled me up and took off the sugar cravings for the night. I called my diet cherry pepsi my "treat" .
    I did that for two years (too long). I was very addicted to caffine and my dentist loved me for my love of pop. But not only was I satisfied....I was wired enough to stay busy/ active until I hit the pillow.

    I'm feeling a little guilty suggesting you become addicted to caffine and artificial sweeteners because it's not how I live my life now. But it really did help me lose 20 pounds and kick the late night snacking habbit. Now I very seldom eat after dinner and I don't have any Diet pop at all. I drink coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day. My treat now is Mendota Sparkling Water. And as difficult as it was to give up the pop....it really is easier to quit than binge eating. But once you get over the habbit of the night time snacking....you will feel an awesome freedom. I wish you much success in finding something that works for you.

    Good luck!
  • I feel the same way. It is very hard for me to be accountable for what I have eaten on bad days. I tend to want to snack after dinner as well. I crave carby foods like crackers and cereals. Try taking a walk directly after dinner. Also, I find drinking a whole bottle of water gives me that full feeling as well which helps me keep from snacking. Go brush your teeth or chew gum directly after dinner to "finish off the day". Keep very low calorie snacks available like 10 calorie sugar free jello snacks and veggies. Hope some of these things help!
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks I have tried the H2O to fill up prior to reaching for anything and it definately helps. I think I will get back into some sort of exercise and water at bedtime to keep me from reaching for the junk. If a football game is on or something I like to watch I tend to get into the mode of serching the kitchen for snacks. Thanks hope I can get to my inital goal of ten lbs in 5 weeks...:bigsmile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Well I just spent two days at a conference at a posh hotel. Yes, I pigged out. So what - I went to my karate class tonight and worked my butt off. I'm still "over" but not as much.

    If you find you're snacking a lot between dinner and bedtime it's time to find other things to do. With Christmas coming, I'm heavily into crafting now. We'll be having a Christmas fair at work and I'm usually one of the vendors - I'm not making much but a couple extra bucks is nice. Beats watching TV and munching on chips :happy:
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Yea I have been meaning to make a quit out of my old race T-shirts but don't know how to quilt yet. I have plenty to do or make for friends but for me I think I am over whelmed with my children with homework, dishes, bed time reading devotions etc. Not complaining but sometimes I am tired and still have lots to do so I sort of stress eat. I will try as others said too, which is drink the water and grab the gum, or pickle, olives etc that won't blow the whole day...

    Thanks :smile:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Yea I have been meaning to make a quit out of my old race T-shirts but don't know how to quilt yet. I have plenty to do or make for friends but for me I think I am over whelmed with my children with homework, dishes, bed time reading devotions etc. Not complaining but sometimes I am tired and still have lots to do so I sort of stress eat. I will try as others said too, which is drink the water and grab the gum, or pickle, olives etc that won't blow the whole day...

    Thanks :smile:

    I hear you, I've been there. My kids are adults and have their own places now, but I remember the crazy bedtime routines. You'll just have to keep working on it - baby steps!

    A word of advice: if you're not a quilter yet, don't start with T-Shirts. Start with a woven fabric, cotton or cotton blend, until you feel comfortable with quilting. Knit fabrics like T-Shirts are too stretchy for a beginner.
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks..Is there any quilting websites? I will google that and see...Thanks again you got me motivated to lay off the junk...
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    I did try Coke zero recently and sugar free candy but my boss is a Pediatrician and she said "your giong to get a brain tumor with all that sugar free stuff" not to mention the side effects. Anyway I like the idea of my coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day. I just need to behave and get real I guess...Thanks for you story it helped:happy:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Thanks..Is there any quilting websites? I will google that and see...Thanks again you got me motivated to lay off the junk...

    You could try here: http://quilting.about.com/od/stepbystepquilting/u/how_to_make_a_quilt.htm

    Good for you - you can do it! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hmm this is something i recently started and it had a lot of positive outcomes....

    i used to like staying up late watching tv til like 1 or 2 am and get cravings like crazy, wake up tired for work, get home tired, drag myself to the gym and still be tired....

    so i started working out at 5 am, work from 8 to 5 pm, come home at around 6 after traffic, eat dinner...get my clothes and food ready for the next day, run errands or do chores by 10 I was ready for bed. and voila! no late night cravings.

    haha hope that helps. its hard to get up that early but the rest of the day i am so energized and the feeling of accomplishment hits u after ur work out b4 u've even gotten to the offfice.
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