Injury now deflated

Hi there all
Hoping you all can give me a boost - I was going strong with my weight loss 26 blocks of butter and counting but then I got injured in netball and it went downhill. I stopped exercise to recover but found it really hard to eat healthy while inactive I have put on 4 Kgs may seem like little but that's 8 blocks of butter!!!Any tips for me please? I'm determined not too put on anymore so tomorrow I'm pounding the stairs at work but any tips are greatly appreciated thanks so much:flowerforyou:


  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    I totally get it. Injuries suck. Feeling really frustrated about my own right now. The key is to really really focus on your eating habits. I've found it nearly impossible to lose weight while injured, but I make sure my eating is very good so that I can at least maintain. I've also found that once I start exercising again, it seems to kickstart the weight loss. All you can do for now is rest the injury, do alternative types of exercise if that is possible (I'll be at the pool A LOT), and keep your calories down.
  • gogeegee
    gogeegee Posts: 13
    thanks heaps ka97 I went to the pool once but will keep going and will go to the gym this weekend. I think I am using my injury as an excuse so will try and get out of the rut. Thanks heaps.
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    I,m in the same boat.
    My knee injury flared up last week, and all i could do was mope and pig out.
    Do remember that depending on the injury, you body will need the right nutrients to heal. Are you getting enough vitamins, protein etc for that to happen?

    I find that if i can get some excercise i'm more likely to eat better.

    Also try nd work out the unaffected areas, so if its a lwer body injury do upper body and vice versa.

    Maybe try some gentle stretching if you can too.

    And the other thing i've done is change my goals so i' m only planning on maintainng my weight till i can get back to working out.
    It makes it easier on me, so i don't get all angry at eating over my calories, ( and stops me pigging out out of remorse)

    Just remember you are not alone. You've done great to get as far as you have, and you've aknoledged this part is hard, and your seeking help.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    In the 6 months since joining MFP, I've 1) twisted my knee doing aerobics, 2) aggravated an existing repetitive stress injury in my shoulder, and 3) tweaked my back on a deadlift. These things have all sucked, laid me up to some extent, and required varying degrees of recovery. Each time, I pushed through it by focusing on the things I could do rather than the things I couldn't. Try to see it as an challenge to find exercises you can do or, as someone else suggested, really focus on your eating. Just take care of yourself and hang in there. It will get better!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    injuries suck.

    can you join a Y or something else with a pool for a few months? what about yoga?

    try to get a referral to a physical therapist so they can give you some rehab exercises to do. i injured my right shoulder a while back and the pain has dropped to near nothing since i've been consistent about doing those rehab movements
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! Anything that gets in the way of your routine can be devastating, injury can be the worst because it makes you less mobile, motivates you to eat quick and easy, and causes all sorts of stress which makes you want to eat comfort food. It happens to us all, the important thing is you want to continue losing and getting healthy. Get back slowly into your routine (minus what may irritate your healing) and keep motivated. :)
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    "Injury now deflated"
    oooops sorry i rushed here i thought there was another person here that thought they were fixin to get lucky only to get kicked in the man jewels, it described what happend to me i was injured and wheeeew did it deflate quick