Weight isn't budging!?

Basically i've been around the same weight for a month now, constantly goes up and down from 150 to 153,
doesn't go below or higher. I started eating more, upped calories to 1600.. worked for a while but has stopped.
I exercise almost everyday, I do weights around 3-4 times a week, I've been drinking loads more water,
I stay within my calorie goal, and eat back my exercise cal's.

I dunno what to do anymore? Or where i'm going wrong?
Anyone got a lil advice?


  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    Basically i've been around the same weight for a month now, constantly goes up and down from 150 to 153,
    doesn't go below or higher. I started eating more, upped calories to 1600.. worked for a while but has stopped.
    I exercise almost everyday, I do weights around 3-4 times a week, I've been drinking loads more water,
    I stay within my calorie goal, and eat back my exercise cal's.

    I dunno what to do anymore? Or where i'm going wrong?
    Anyone got a lil advice?
    Eat more regularly and less salt. Spread out your calories over all your meals.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'd be interested to hear what feedback you get cos its the same with me and I'm actually feeling that this is my lot in life to be 'curvy'!
  • lewist90
    lewist90 Posts: 126 Member
    hi just checked your diary. first of try cut back on snacking on chocolate (kitkats, penguins) and crisps (skips) and replace these with healthier options such as fruit, raw veggies, or low fat cottage cheese or houmous with ryvita for example. also try switching around your macros................for example increase your protein, reduce carbs slightly and keep fat where it is just try make the fat options good fats (oils, nuts, avacado)

    trust me with this shift in macros you will re-start your metabolism for further weightloss, even more effective with your weight training 3 times a week :D and questions feel free to PM me
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    agree with the above..
    you have to watch your calorie intake but you need to eat the right foods...if you cut out alot what is processed with fruit/ veg / natural yog etc you will see a loss... good luck..x
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thanks for replying everyone :)
    Is there anything else I need to be doing?
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    b u m p
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Log everything, everyday. If you aren't doing this, then according to your diary you are very often not eating enough and should eat more. If you aren't logging everything, you might be overeating the days that you don't finish logging and won't know it.

    Lower your sodium intake.