I am from Fat Secret

Hi everybody! hope you are all well. i have just transfered over from Fat secret and have to say am so far loving MFP... espcially the app! its great! im a little sad to leave FS as it had my old chart on it. i started my journey at my heaviest of 231lbs after coming back from holiday.. then averaged out to my "normal" weight of 222/223lbs and am now on the road to losing weight and currently am 205lbs. I am a calorie counter through and through and love to journal. I started a blog about 2 months ago and it has really kept me focused. yo can read it at www.motivationthinspiration.blogspot.com if you are interested. Happy Weight Loss!!


  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anythinng you put your mind too. You will make it. I hope you have a great day and free to add me if you wish.:smile: