Looking Good For Christmas - Week 13



  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    Start Date July 15 - Starting weight 182.5 lbs.
    Week 1 July 22 - 180lbs
    Week 2 July 29 - 179lbs.

    Week 3 August 5- 177 lbs.
    Week 4 August 12 - 176 lbs.
    Week 5 August 19 - 174.5 lbs.
    Week 6 August 26- 176 lbs.

    Week 7 September 2 Labor Day is Monday - 173.5 lbs.
    Week 8 September 9 - 172
    Week 9 September 16 - 170.5
    Week 10 September 23 - 171
    Week 11 September 30 168.5

    Week 12 October 7 169.... RRR:grumble:
    Week 13 October 14 .
    Week 14 October 21
    Week 15 October 28

    Week 16 November 4
    Week 17 November 11
    Week 18 November 18
    Week 19 November 25 American Thanksgiving is Tomorrow!

    Week 20 December 2
    Week 21 December 9
    Week 22 December 16
    Week 23 December 23 Christmas Eve is Tomorrow!
    My goal is to be 150lbs. by Xmas!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there my friends ... Just a quick report ... I hope all is well with you. I went out tonight and bought my warm, lined, wind proof, waterproof pants and big thick hiking socks. Yesterday I bought a waterproof windbreaker jacket too. I'm now ready for this weekend's hiking in Tobermory. It's supposed to be cold and wet but I'm so excited. I just got home from an hour and a half walk with the BFF and she's really excited about this weekend too. With all the drama in my life lately we haven't had a chance to walk together in a couple of weeks so it felt really good. It will be Thanksgiving this weekend here in Canada too so it's nice that neither of us have to cook the big turkey dinner ... we'll be ordering it out and being served after the day of hiking ... mmmmm ... I can't wait. It will be so nice to de-stress. Well, thanks for listening ... sweet dreams to all.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hello my Looking Good For Christmas friends. I'm sitting here at work ... it's my first shift alone ... I'm both excited and nervous. I'm sure everything will go fine but that nagging voice of doubt in your abilities always haunts the back of my thoughts. I'm going to try and focus but lets face it ... mostly I'm looking forward to my weekend away. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi magglet,

    thank you for emailing me to let me know there was a new thread. I guess there's a new thread every week.. good to know.. Here's my weigh in...

    Let's look good for christmas you guys..and stay motivated to lose weight!

    week 1 Aug 29 Weight: 190 lb (starting again)
    Week 2 Sept 5 Weight: 188 lb (2 lost)
    Week 3 Sept 12 Weight: 187 lb (1.2 lost)
    Week 4 Sept 19 Weight: 184.8 (3 lost)(185 lb:1GOAL REACHED)
    Week 5 Sept 26 Weight: 183.2 (1.6 lost)
    Week 6 Oct 3rd Weight: 183.0 (.2 lost)

    2nd Mini Goal: 175lb
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hello All,

    I hope everyone is doing well and being good to themselves by taking care of yourself. I know a number of people are going through stressful times so I wish you all a hopefully more relaxing weekend.

    Tomorrow I do Week 4, Day 1 of the C25K running program and then afterwards I am donating blood. I am hoping my iron levels are high enough to donate but I won't be doing much afterwards because it tends to really deplete my energy. Next week I get my blood tested for some vitamin and mineral levels since I may be deficient in more than just iron.

    Sunday I plan to just read most of the day. I bought a new book called 'What Happy People Know' by Dan Baker. Have any of you read it? If so, what did you think of it?

    Monday is a holiday in Canada but I will probably mostly clean house that day. If the gym is open I will do Week 4, Day 2 of C25K.

    Take care and be healthy.

  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Start Date July 15 Starting weight 192 (goal = 169) (23 pounds)
    Week 1 July 22 CW = 189.8 / Loss - 2.2 / total loss = -2.2
    Week 2 July 29 CW = 189.8 / Loss = BIG FAT ZERO (TOM) / total loss = -2.2

    Week 3 August 5 - on vacation
    Week 4 August 12 – on vacation
    Week 5 August 19 - CW = 190.4 / Gain of 0.6 / Total loss = 1.6
    Week 6 August 26 - CW=190.4 / no change, but no gain, either! / Total loss = -1.6

    Week 7 September 2 Labor Day is Monday - CW=189.6 / loss of -0.8 / Total loss = -2.4
    Week 8 September 9 - CW=189.0 / loss of -0.6 / Total loss of only 3 frikkin’ pounds! SHEESH!
    Week 9 September 16 – CW = 188.8 / loss of 0.2 (does that even count?) / total loss of -3.2
    Week 10 September 23 – CW = 188.0 / no change / total loss -4
    Week 11 September 30 - CW = 186.0 / loss of 2 lbs!!!! WOOTWOOT / total loss of -6

    Week 12 October 7 - CW = 188.8 WHAT THE FRIG!!! / gain of 2.8!?!?!? / total loss of -3.2

    What. The. Hell. Is. This???? I totally don't understand. I'm sticking to my calories. drinking the dang water. Walking my butt off. Going to Curves. Watching the sodium. WHAT GIVES?!?!?!?!?:sad:

    Have you talked to anyone at curves about what you are eating and what exercise you are doing? Every little thing makes a difference. I am sure someone will be willing to help you. Hang in there, it will get better. It just takes time and patience. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Start Date July 15 Starting weight 189
    Week 1 July 22 188 (-1, -1.5in.)
    Week 2 July 29 188 ( no loss , but no gain)
    Week 3 Aug 5, 187 (-1, no change in inches this week)
    Week 4 Aug 12, 187 (no change)
    Week 5 Aug 19, 186
    Week 6 Aug 26, 186
    Week 7 Sep 2, 186
    Week 8 Sep 9, 186
    Week 9 Sep 18, 190 (darn business trip)
    Week 10 Sep 23, 189
    Week 11 Sep 30, 186
    Week 12 Oct 7, 187

    I just can't seem to get this weight off. I've got the maintenance part down good though! I've kicked up my workouts this week to burn an additional 100 cals. So we'll see if that helps.

    You might even want to zigzap your intake calories and your exercise. Changing things up keeps your body guessing and having to work harder. You are doing great burning more calories, Keep it up. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Congrats to everyone that has had a loss, you are doing awesome keep up the great work.
    To everyone who has either not lost or gained. Hang in there. We all have our weeks where one thing leads to another. Just chalk it up to a bad week and move on. You will get over this hump and make your goal sooner than you think. Don't give up on yourself, you are worth all the effort you are bringing forward.
    Have a wonderful weekend. :bigsmile:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member

    The things you say are so true, and you offer such great encouragement.

    It doesn't matter if we fall, what matters is that we keep going no matter what. And I think that's also true in other areas of life.... JUST KEEP GOING

    just wanted to tell you, thanks!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there ... I'm using my work computer right now. My personal computer is sick and in for repairs right now but I won't have access to anything this weekend. In fact I may not be able to report back until Wednesday ... don't count me out ... I'll be back to report again as soon as I can. Take care of you.

  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member

    The things you say are so true, and you offer such great encouragement.

    It doesn't matter if we fall, what matters is that we keep going no matter what. And I think that's also true in other areas of life.... JUST KEEP GOING

    just wanted to tell you, thanks!
    Hey, no problem. That is what we are all here for right? Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Okay here is my weigh in for Saturday
    Start Date July 15 186.0
    Week 1 July 22 186.0
    Week 2 July 29 186.0
    Week 3 August 5 186.0
    Week 4 August 12 186.0
    Week 5 August 19 181.2
    Week 6 August 26 179.2 (down 2 pounds)
    Week 7 September 5 178.0
    Week 8 September 12 177.8
    Week 9 September 18 176.8
    Week 10 September 26 176.4
    Week 11 October 3 176.4
    Week 12 October 10 176.2
    So, I really did not lose. That is okay, I really did cheat quite a bit this last week. This is going to be 100% better.
    I hope everyone had a great weekend. Keep up the awesome work. We can do this and make our goals by Christmas. :bigsmile:
  • anthrochix
    Happy Monday everyone! And to out friends in Canadia, happy thanksgiving!

    Went to a birthday party this weekend that was AWESOME! Mariachis and everything (my hubby annd a lot of our friends are Mexican - I'm always the token gringa). I tried so hard to be good, but they had taquitos and birthday cake and chips and beer aaaargh!

    Well, it was only 1 day, I had a super time and now I'm going to have to kick my own butt in the gym.

    Hope all my Christmas pals are all fine and dandy!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Week 13 is almost over...hope everyone is having a great week. When I started this challenge 13 weeks ago I really hoped I would lose at least one pound each week that has not been so, but the positive is that I am getting 3-6 workouts in every week. I am feeling better about me and what I can achieve physically (even if it is not weight loss at this time). Staying positive even when the scale is not moving has kept me going. Success at many things is as much in your thinking as in your doing. I read an article a while back about how negative thinking effects success. Needless to say people who think they are going to fail usually fail and people who keep thinking they can succeed usually do. Stay positive!