Hi I started my journey 18 weeks ago with a stating weight of 318 pounds :( I have managed to lose 71 pounds in this time and even tho I realise the loss does slow down I havent had a signifigant loss in the last 3 weeks :( Also I was hoping someone could give me a few tips on good arm exercises...I am sure if i flapped my arms I would fly away lol:blushing:


  • Natalee76
    Natalee76 Posts: 3
    Congrats on your weight loss!!
    I also have about the same to lose. I started my journey 7 weeks ago at 135kgs (297lbs) and have lost 10kgs (22lbs) The last 3 weeks I haven't lost a lot and I really need to refocus and get back into everything.
    I've been doing a lot of weights and push ups to try and combat my arms!
  • amonroe1343
    amonroe1343 Posts: 206 Member
    I understand how hard it is to lose a lot of weight. I want to lose about 150 as well. It can be hard to keep the motivation going especially when you're not seeing great results. Try varying some of your workouts and your food to see if that tricks your body enough. Sometimes people get in a routine and their body gets used to it. Good luck :)
  • twilightlvr79
    twilightlvr79 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi! I want to lose about 150 pounds as well. I haven't been on the journey as long as you have. I have only been seriously working on it for about two weeks now. I have lost about 10 pounds but I am being very diligent this time and planning on joining a gym next month when the gym I want to join gets added to my health insurance plan. Congratualations on the 71 pound loss and keep up the amazing work! If you find out the secret to the arms please let me know.
  • jennla32
    jennla32 Posts: 18 Member
    Congrats on the major accomplishment!!!! Don't be discouraged....could be many things happening- water retention, muscle "issues".....maybe change stuff up (are you set in what foods you always eat?)? As far as arm exercises- pushups (on your knees) are great! Also, I keep some light free weights in my living room and do different exercises while watching tv!!!
  • Missy0224
    Missy0224 Posts: 29
    I would love to lose at least 130 lbs. I'm at 300 now.
  • Dreamz2BThin
    Dreamz2BThin Posts: 1 Member
    New to MFP...again :tongue: Hoping this time I can get it done! I'm tired of worrying about whether or not I'll fit in the chair, air plane seat etc...usually I don't. I have an almost teenage son who definitely deserves better...as do I. But if only it was as easy as wishing. I started over (again) today. We'll see...one day at a time.
  • Congrats on the weight loss! That's a lot to lose in 18 weeks!! Great job.

    You should change your workout routine up every week. One week do the treadmill, next week do the elliptical, next week do the stairmaster, etc.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    hi I'm Laura. I'm gonna lose 180. In the last 17 weeks I've lost 45 lbs. I'm 25% of the way there! good luck on your journey.
  • Davelh1976
    Davelh1976 Posts: 140 Member
    good job!