Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD???

Anyone out there doing/have done Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 workout? If so what kind of results have you had? What kind of exercises did you do in combination with it? Just wanted to know if anyone has had any kind of success with it! Thanks :smile:


  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    I just started this video. As I've done the 30DS and had excellent results in inches lost- I'm expecting the same for this video. Even though the format is the same (basically)- I've already noticed that I burn more calories doing Ripped in 30! I"m excited to see the results.
    PS- I usually do another 30-45 min. of cardio after doing a video like this.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I've done it in the past and pretty much love anything by her!

    If you're new to working out, just follow this for now unless you really wanna do more and I'd suggest another dvd of her's or maybe just walking/running
  • saamantha
    saamantha Posts: 74
    I had been doing the 30 Day Shred for about 3 weeks but was getting quite bored with it, so I started Ripped in 30 two days ago.
    Gooood I'm sore today, but I really love the Week 1 workout, I feel like a lot more of me is being worked over :)

    We'll see how Ripped in 30 stacks up compared to the 30DS, but so far I've lost about 10lbs, and at least one pant size (in just about 3.5 weeks!). Hallelujah, Killian ;). I think I'll see even better results when it comes to the Ripped in 30 DVD, because I sweat a lot more, and I burn quite a few more calories.

    I pair my circuit training with a 20-25 minute walk on my lunch hour, a complete diet overhaul and the occasional "fun" workout on my XBOX Kinect with Your Shape Fitness Evolved.
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 692 Member
    I've had great success with it. I work out 6 days a week. I've done the video twice through. Once with 3lb weights and once with 5 lb weights. I've done 30 Day Shred twice and would recommend it also.

    I also run about 2 miles each day prior to doing the video.

    You can check my profile to see my progress/results.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    Love RI30! I do it 3x/week and run 4x/week. I've definitely got some guns from this program!
  • minikhan95
    minikhan95 Posts: 52 Member
    I started ripped in 30 last Monday on the 30th! Since it's my first time using Jillian Michaels, I was a pouring pile of sweat! But I can definitely say it was that sweet stench of victory that kept me going. I'm currently about to do my sixth day using week one of the DVD. Tomorrow is my day off! How's everyone else's progress going? Honestly, in 5 days I've noticed I am able to endure her workout longer and even incorporate in some of the advanced moves whereas the first day, I could barely follow along the beginner's version! :)
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I just had a go at week one after recording it off fitness tv. I quite enjoyed it and it had plenty of familiar moves from 30ds. I might have to get the DVD!
  • BrownEyes12048
    BrownEyes12048 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone!! I am on Week 2 of Ripped in 30 and loving it! I was really bad at watching my diet the first week but I am starting right this week :) I am a mom of 2 and trying to get toned. So far this video is making musles work I forgot I had!! Good luck to everyone!
  • cask16
    cask16 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi all, I just started week 3 of RI30 (did the shred twice before that).
    I know that the first day on a new level is always hard by - wow, I think Jillian personally hates me!
  • HealthyNurseK
    HealthyNurseK Posts: 38 Member
    I have done 30DS and Ripped in 30 and thought Ripped was a lot more challenging, so I'm glad I did it second.

    I noticed it really toned up my arms, leaned out my waist and thighs and I lost a lot of inches when I did it consistently. I'm actually thinking I need to start again as it's a powerful workout in a short amount of time.

    I try to combine with about 4 days a week of cardio with these DVDs.
  • geckotruern
    I love your picture with quote......tears get you sympathy and sweat gets you results. Where did you get it? Thanks for sharing.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Yes I love it!! I do it about 2 or 3 times a week in conjunction with 2 ballet classes per week, some P90X workouts (they are actually pretty similar to Ripped in 30, just longer) and running. It's a great addition to my workouts and I am losing steadily. Highly recommended!
  • dani_alaine
    I love this video I definitely would recommend to anyone! I did this video to get in shape before my wedding and saw awesome results! I love Jillian, I was a dedicated disciple of hers before the hubby and I started doing P90x and I am currently a following disciple of Tony Horton, but that is still not to say I wouldnt consider myself a loyal follower of Jillian :)
  • butlera8
    butlera8 Posts: 130 Member
    I just finished it and between week 2 and 4 I lost 10.25 inches. I didn't take measurements in the beginning so I may have lost more than that.
  • jade_131
    jade_131 Posts: 59 Member
    I've done Week 1 and 2. Then school started and I ultimately stopped. Now I'm on day 2 of Week 1 because I started again. I wasn't as tired as I was the first time I did Week 1, but I still broke a sweat and my body is sore all over. :)