Kid in new school - how long acceptable to feel uncomf?



  • Mels707
    Mels707 Posts: 101
    Outside at that age without supervision. My kid would NOT be going back.

    As for the integration daughter is a little younger (4), but she is currently at summer camp at the same place and with the same kids she was in preschool with last year, and there still has been an adjustment period. Kids are such creatures of habit, for many of them it can take a while to feel secure in a new place/routine.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Can you get her involved in something? A sports team or anything where she will interact with her new classmates? Girl Scouts? A club?

    I was painfully shy and a very lonesome kid. It was high school before I got involved on dance team, and my social life changed a LOT because of that.

    I agree with this. All throughout my childhood, class was never conductive to me making friends. I was better in one-on-one situations. I had friends from Girl Scouts and in college, it was people on my dorm floor.
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    Agree that being left unattended is a deal-breaker. I would find another school.
    Absent that, I don't think it's unusual for a child her age to be uncomfortable in a new school for several weeks, even a month or two. it's hard adjusting to a new place. But it doesn't sound like the teachers/administrators are very concerned about her safety or comfort and that is a big red flag.