For any runners out there...

What do you normally eat during the day?


  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 342 Member
    I'm a new-ish runner. My longest run thus far is only five miles, but I am training for a half marathon, so I know that eventually I am going to have to start thinking about how best to fuel my body. Right now, I am still eating at a slight deficit, but I am a vegetarian, so I try to eat mainly clean, whole foods. I need to pay closer attention to my protein intake, though. I have to make a concerted effort, or I end up having to supplement. I am looking forward to seeing what others eat.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I've been running for a year I eat the same on running days as non running days except days before a race where I have pasta for dinner and toast with peanut butter for breakfast diary is open feel free to add me if you like
  • achubbo18
    achubbo18 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I just ran my first 15K two weeks ago - and I've been doing about 3-6 miles a day for the past couple of months. I've reshaped my way of eating from low-calorie to a "clean eating" approach. In the morning I have most of my carbs, usually a bowl of multi-grain oatmeal with cinnamon, almond milk, and blueberries. For lunch and dinner, I eat my proteins and vegetables (I hate vegetables). Around 10 am and 2 pm I have a snack between 50-150 calories (string cheese, hummis with peppers, fruit, greek yogurt, low carb protein shakes, etc.) . I do not touch soda or anything too sugary. Most of my carbs are consumed before 1 pm. After a run I always try to have a whey protein shake.

    I get a lot of helpful eating tips from pinterest's fitness section. You should definitely check it out! :smile: .. I hope this was somewhat helpful!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I pretty much eat whatever I want though I do try to eat as many fresh foods as possible and stay away from the prepackaged stuff and fast food. I am trying to lose weight so I stay within my calorie limits.

    If you are just running a 5k...don't worry about carbing up or eating special dinners...just eat normally.

    I also drink lots of water....hydrating is very important for runners.

    Add some weight training/cross training in your routine to help gain muscle.

    Don't fall into all the hype you read/see out there. Research what is best for you.
  • Strider56
    Strider56 Posts: 8 Member
    What I normally eat. I might eat a higher protein snack or drink a protein shake (Vega - Whole Food Health Optimizer) before or after a run, but unless you are doing in excess of say 6 (if you are just starting out) or 10 (if you have been running for a while) then there is no real need to change your diet drastically.
  • Thanks everyone! I have been running cross country for 3 years and have run half marathons, so i just wanted to see if anyone had any helpful eating tips! :) Good luck to all you runners! :smile:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    My diary is open if you want to look.

    I aim for 100-120g protein and then don't worry about macros beyond that. I eat lots of eggs/egg whites, chicken breast over salad, toast with cottage cheese, steak with veggies, LOTS of fruit (fiber, carbs and hydration in one!) and if I need to pack in a whop of calories, I'll eat a peanut butter & banana sandwich *drool*
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I eat both to make sure I have a good balance of energy providing foods and to avoid the runner's trots. So I'll usually have something like a peanut butter and banana sandwich and then at least half a protein bar right before the race. And, yes, as someone else pointed out, hydration is just as important. Make sure you're already hydrated and if you feel the need, bring water (or even a sport drink) with you to stay hydrated.
  • I'm currently training for a marathon! i ran a half marathon in april. I think it would be nice to start a group here for runners to help encourage each other to lose weight and train for races. I'm not sure how to do that though. Would anyone be interested or know how to do that?
  • cdprouty
    cdprouty Posts: 140 Member
    I run a decent amount...probably 6 days a week and average about 25 miles per week. I run every morning on an empty stomach over the years I have found that this approach works best for me.

    My general nutrition rule is simple, keep my carbs low and my proteins high. Carb-loading is overrated unless you are going to be running more than 15 miles...and even then you need to calculate very carefully what, when and how much you eat. Try to eat a clean, natural diet, limiting processed foods.

    Some studies suggest that you do not need hydration for the first 45 minutes of your run...I'm generally good without anything but my pre-run water for 90 minutes, your mileage ;) may vary.

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like to see my training, diet and get a little push on occasion.

    LTAHS Posts: 2
    I'm currently training for a marathon! i ran a half marathon in april. I think it would be nice to start a group here for runners to help encourage each other to lose weight and train for races. I'm not sure how to do that though. Would anyone be interested or know how to do that?

    I'd love to join a running group!
  • I'm currently training for a marathon! i ran a half marathon in april. I think it would be nice to start a group here for runners to help encourage each other to lose weight and train for races. I'm not sure how to do that though. Would anyone be interested or know how to do that?

    I'd love to join a running group!

    Me too. I'm working on training for my 1st 5K now, starting running this past may.
  • I have run several 5ks, half marathons and one marathon. I am training for a half in Feb '13. I am trying to come back slowly from stress fracture/ shin splints that was caused from coming back too soon after the birth of my son. I wouldn't be interested in a "runner's group" --- don't know how to start it though. I'm new here!