Time for some help :)

akb35 Posts: 2 Member
Hi everyone!

Technically I'm not new here, I have had the MFP app on my phone for a while and, of course, I have been using it on and off. I decided to jump back on the train, I guess there's no better time than now! I'm just over a year out of college and have been lucky enough to find a job at a law firm. While that's absolutely amazing, the downside is that now I have a desk job so by default I'm not very active anymore (even though I haven't really been active since high school) and a lot of overtime means a lot of take-out Chinese and even more fast food...unfortunately right before bedtime.

For a few years now I've watched my food intake and exercised on my own, which was fine when I was younger. As I started getting closer to my twenties I noticed that even though I stopped exercising on a normal schedule and stopped paying attention to the foods I was eating, my body wasn't superficially changing. Needless to say that was when I started eating whatever I wanted. Even though I never gained the dreaded Freshman Fifteen (I actually seemed to go in the opposite direction), my mother's voice started echoing in my head, reminding me that she herself didn't start to watch her health until after she was in her 30's. She always told me that she wouldn't be anywhere near as healthy as she is now, or as small as she is now, if she had taken her youthful body for granted. That voice finally broke through my fast-food drunk brain and has stuck itself to the inside wall of my head (sorry if this sounds really weird).

To make an obviously already too long post much shorter - I never end up following through on my exercise and weight goals when I go it alone. I have also managed to convince myself in the past that I could do it alone, which is just not true. I am pretty good at watching my food intake, but I am the absolute worst person when it comes to exercising. Like a lot of people, I don't hate exercising....once I've started. What gets me is the motivation to put on my workout clothes, get to the gym, and stay there for longer than 30 minutes of very light cardio (especially when I know I can do more). I think it's finally time that I took advantage of the community of support that is available here, I've read some of the other posts to help me figure out if it was worth it and the support you show to each other is amazing and truly motivating. I guess, if you haven't been turned off by the length and awkwardness of my post, and if you would like, please feel free to add me as a friend!!

Thanks for reading, I know it was horrendously long! :laugh: