Insert foot, whats YOUR moment (Or your childs)



  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    Many many years ago, sitting in mass. Our parish was nearly 50% Fillipino - my then 5 year old son looks around, and says in a very loud voice "Dad, why are we white?". I tried to explain very quietly that his family is from Europe, and alot of people in the parish where from Asia. Thinking I had dodged a bullet until, he again asked loudly "Why?". If only the earth could have swallowed me up there and then.
  • gogospice
    gogospice Posts: 185 Member
    I went out on a field inspection this winter and while I was there the employee I was checking up on told me that the chef had invited me down for lunch. Once we were finished we headed down to the dining room before I left to drive back.

    I had met this chef a few times and we joked around for a bit. He then said that due to my flattery (because I know how to majorly kiss *kitten*) lunch was on him. Without missing a beat, I retorted with "Thats mighty white of you..." just so happens the guy was Native American... I'm pretty sure I wanted to crawl in a hole at that exact moment.

    After reading some of the other forums, I feel the need to inform everyone that: I'm the least racist person I know, and I don't even know where that comment came from.... I'm pretty sure it will never come out of my mouth EVER again!
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    When my oldest was in preschool he also had speech therapy. They do sounds and picture recognition etc.
    The teacher points to a picture and he says the word and she writes it EXACTLY the way he pronounces it.
    Egg, house, dog, firef uck ... she called me laughing hysterically. Took him almost 3 years to say TRuck.

    Same kid same teacher later that year....teacher says "all the girls line up to wash hands for lunch" my son blurts out "I'm not a girl. I'm a boy. I got a penis!" Loud n proud. Little kid next to him says "yeah I like to eat peanuts too!"

    Now that he's 14 I just send an apology note to his teachers on the first day of school.

    It does NOT get better....I think he enjoys it.
  • almmiles
    almmiles Posts: 21 Member
    I was at the lab with my two kiddos and hubby getting some blood work done. My daughter is 4 and very curious about everything. They called me back. As I'm going back a very heavy man walks in and is talking to the people running the front desk. My daughter looks at him then looks at her daddy and asks "Daddy did that man get fat from eating too much food?" Thank god he didn't hear her. My husband didn't even know what to say to her.

    Also one time we are at the food court. As we are sitting waiting for our food my daughter looks at the people sitting next to us and then looks at me and says "Mommy that little girl is black, the little boy is black and their daddy is DARKER black and their mommy is light black." They looked at me and all I could think to tell her was that Yes she was right and that its okay if we are different colors because that's the way we were made.

    I swear that girl is going to get me into trouble one day.
  • EddiesGirl4Ever
    EddiesGirl4Ever Posts: 3 Member
    I was in my early 20's and most of the people I knew had already found a significant other and/or had kids and I had recently broken it off with a boyfriend. I was talking about it with my godmother when I made the comment, " I don't want to be a 40 year old spinster with three cats!" The embarassing part for me was when my 43 year old godmother who is VERY single replied back to me, "I have three cats..."

    Even worse yet, about a year after this conversation took place, it happened again that I was speaking with my godmother under similar circumstances and again made that statement. I had completely forgot that happened and was so wrapped up in the conversation....... it was horrible!

    All I could do was hang my head in shame.... I'm sorry Aunty!
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    My daughter when she was around 8. School picture day - she had a pair of open toe sandals on. The teacher said "your sandals are really pretty" she said "thank you - they're my camel toe sandals". The teacher was hysterical, including when she called me later to tell me about it. My daughter overheard my mother-in-law say someone had camel toe at a party so she thought her PEEP TOE sandals we're called CAMEL TOE's. :laugh: :laugh:

    OMG That is too funny!
  • iamMaLisa
    iamMaLisa Posts: 278 Member
    sooooo many with my step son as he has aspergers. He is very blunt and loud about his opinions of others. there is literally not a day goes by when i don't want the floor to swallow me up! lol. you get used to it over time... x

    ^^^^^ this my son also has aspergers, he is high functioning and lets everyone know his opinions also... head slap...
  • grumpy2day
    grumpy2day Posts: 212
    When my son was about 2 (he is 20 now) I needed to purchase a new bra and had no sitter. When we got to the lingerie store there was no one there but the sales woman (they had just opened). As I tried several on my darling child pipes up with...Mommy buy that one it makes you look bigger! (straight from the mouth of babes lol). Suddenly I hear this choking sound on the other side of the curtain...Yep 2nd customer of the day!!
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    I was at the lab with my two kiddos and hubby getting some blood work done. My daughter is 4 and very curious about everything. They called me back. As I'm going back a very heavy man walks in and is talking to the people running the front desk. My daughter looks at him then looks at her daddy and asks "Daddy did that man get fat from eating too much food?" Thank god he didn't hear her. My husband didn't even know what to say to her.

    Also one time we are at the food court. As we are sitting waiting for our food my daughter looks at the people sitting next to us and then looks at me and says "Mommy that little girl is black, the little boy is black and their daddy is DARKER black and their mommy is light black." They looked at me and all I could think to tell her was that Yes she was right and that its okay if we are different colors because that's the way we were made.

    I swear that girl is going to get me into trouble one day.

    Awe I love this. You did a good job eplaining it to her though. I fear my son will be one to point out the obvious. Lol. I am preparing now, for social humiliation for the next ATLEAST 15 years of his life. Lol
  • grumpy2day
    grumpy2day Posts: 212
    When my niece was around 5 she was keeping company with me behind the counter where I worked while her mother went to a store 2 doors down. Everything was fine, she was happily drawing and I was ringing up my customers until.....she noticed a black gentleman waiting his turn. Before I could head her off she asked very loudly "Why isthat man black?"

    Bless this man for life, he explained with a smile how one day, when he was a baby, it was very nice outside and his mother put him in a playpen outside while she cleaned the house. He got a sunburn and when it went away this was the color he stayed. Well the next thing you know she Grabs me and loudly begs me to "Make sure Mommy Never does that to ME!!!" Double Mortification!!

    Now the poor man is trying to apoogize for upsetting her while trying not to laugh! Triply Mortified by now! But he had to be the best sport and truest gentleman I have ever met!
  • Bigmomma0u812
    Let me start by saying I'm easily embarrassed so it doesn't take much to do me in, in public. One time when my daughter was about 2 I was getting her out of the jeep at a large store and she wanted me to let her stand there while I got my purse. (I never allowed that before instead I held her)... so I said ok I'll trust you this once but if you run you'll never get to do it again. Well of course she took off like a bullet and I had to give chase in this busy parking lot. My pants were baggy and in the run I lost them so I grabbed my child and squatted on the ground because there was a man in a big truck that stopped and was watching the scene. Then he started beeping at me to tell me I had dropped something (other than my pants). So I waved thinking he would drive away. Nope he sat right there so I got up and pulled my pants up and was mortified!

    My husband is Hispanic so our daughter is half Mexican half White... we were at a large store (she was 4 yrs old) and she looks around and says very loudly "Boy there sure are a lot of Mexicans in here" Well I'm not exaggerating when I say that everybody in that area stopped and looked right at me. I didn't want them to think that I was a bad person so I louder than usual explained to her that just because someone looks like her daddy it doesn't make them Mexican. Whew, everyone went back to their business after that

    Here's one that showed me just how much children realize. When my niece was about 4 years old my sister, mother and myself had went to pick up some pictures. We got in the car and I was going through them and I said man I look huge in every one of these photos. My niece very nonchalantly exclaimed "why don't you call Jenny Craig"?
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    when my son was 3 he was potty training and as a family we went to the county fair. So while two of the kids were on the merry go round and another was in our stroller my 3 yr old son was standing with us and we looked over at him and he was pulling his pants up. The lady standing there was laughing and said i had to move my stroller because he just dropped his pants right there and peed. We didn't even notice. It was soo funny and thank God the woman wasn't mad. I have no idea how many other people noticed. That same son a couple of years later went onto my back deck and pulled down his pants and sat on the railing and pooped on the ground.
    When my daughter was about 8 i think she came down stairs and said to me and my husband that we should be thankful for Martin Luther King, i agreed and asked why. She said because of Dad and i said Maddi daddy is white, she turned red and ran away. It was the funniest sh it ever. My husband works outside and gets really tan and when i talk about people i just say people who have darker skin so in her innocent little head daddy had darker skin so he was black,lol.