share what low calorie snacks you love



  • ElleBee615
    ElleBee615 Posts: 177
    Carrot & celery sticks w/ nonfat plain Greek yogurt (with a little ranch dip seasoning)
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    What calorie range are you looking for?

    Usually I try to steer myself toward fruit first - that will definitely be under 100 cals - I like melon, pineapple, berries, an occasional apple. I'm not big into citrus. If I'm really hungry, I'll go for a banana.

    I tend to go for sweet more than salty, so I like granola bars - usually nature valley - one pack is under 200cals. They also make little granola thins with a chocolate coating that are under 100 - they're small, but very tasty.

    If I want something savory, I like a serving of hummus with a serving of pita chips - that's under 200, or for less calories, you could do the hummus on bell pepper strips, for under 100.

    Sometimes after dinner I'll go for 2 Dove Dark Chocolate Promises - about 90 cals.

    ETA - I also like a stick of string cheese - usually right around the 100 cal mark.
  • RunningMama32
    RunningMama32 Posts: 71 Member
    a piece of mozza and an apple!
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    Fiber one Brownies! 90 calories and 3 grams of fat..not bad for a fake brownie :wink:
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    pickles! (the kind I buy are about 3 calories each and once I eat a few I'm full)
    cucumber (8 calories for half a cup, peeled, according to MFP)
    baby carrots! 35 calories for 85g. I usually can't eat more than the serving anyways, fills me up

    a little bit higher calories:
    apple sauce (unsweetened, like 50 calories if you get those lunch box cups)
    fruit cups (dole, 70 cals)
    thinsations - 100 calorie packets of your favourite snacks (oreos, chips ahoy, smartfood popcorn, sunchips, chocolate or yogurt covered pretzels) there are tons of different varieties and good if you really like cookies/chips/have a sweet tooth. I find with the cookie ones, sometimes I'm full before the end of the packet
    jell-o pudding - chocolate with no sugar added, a box makes 4 servings (you just mix and add milk) and its 80 calories a serving.

    my store sells these Korean wheat popper things, they're kind like rice cakes an they are so filling...can't find the info on them but I know they're not too high calorie...
    rice cakes - different flavours have different amounts of calories but there are tons to choose from, even smaller mini ones.

    A bit higher again would be arrow root cookies (150 cal for 5 cookies) or graham crackers (140 cal for 2 'full' crackers or 4 smaller ones), again its higher but its good if you have a sweet tooth.

    Also, fruit and veggies in general (though some may be higher calories than other) are a good choice for snacking!
  • gloriapiz55
    gloriapiz55 Posts: 73 Member
    Love the fiber one brownies too. Also Fage 0% greek yogurt, love the strawberry gogi, blueberry acai, mang/guananbana. Wheat thins or rold gold tiny pretzels.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Greek yogurt (plain, non-fat... add honey)
    Sliced apple dipped in greek yogurt :)
    Cheese strings
    Hard boiled eggs
    1pc toast with jam & cottage cheese

    If you need really low-cal... go with celery sticks with salsa.

    Another good option is mixing fat free vanilla greek yogurt (2 parts) to 1 part peanut butter. honey optional for sweetness. Use as a dip for celery, apples or (my personal fav) graham crackers. Quite the protein snack.

    Also cottage cheese with apple chunks and cinnamon...low fat string cheese and pretzels
  • Zalli
    Zalli Posts: 132 Member
    I have plain rice cakes with peanut butter every day. But eating them plain isn't too tasty, just go for the flavored ones if that suffices.

    My vote for rice cakes and peanut butter too---one of my favorite snacky breakfasts. I don't eat either item by themselves but together they are yummy!
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    A cucumber sprinkled with seasoned salt. Raw green pepper. I can (and usually do) eat both of these every day. In fact, going to go eat them right now!

    I also like a string cheese and a handful of raw almonds.

    Banana or apple smeared with a little almond (or peanut) butter can be around or less than 200 cals

    Trader Joe's Savory Thin Mini Sesame Rice Crackers (whatever they're called, most of those words are in the title) plain or with a bit of hummus or Laughing Cow cheese wedge(s). You get a ton of the crackers for like 130 cals.

    Caramel rice cakes with pb or ab
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    - plain popcorn
    - rice cakes
    - fruit
    - low calorie yogurt
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Don't eat "snacks" but the closest thing would be carrot slices with hummus or hot sauce or both.

    Apple and a cheese stick is good, too.