first rant in a while... please hear me out and no hate



  • KelseyDawn84
    KelseyDawn84 Posts: 129 Member
    My body needs more calories when I PMS... Seriously, I am STARVING the week before Shark Week and have to eat 150-300 extra cals/day for a few days.

    I listen to my body and eat 'em.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    you have to keep going, i'm sure u have been working too hard to fall off the wagon now. just FORCE yourself to start back up again. i feel like in the past i was the same way, if i got off track a little, i would get frustrated and give up, now i make myself get on the elliptical (just did, and complained to myself the whole time, but did it anyway) because i don't want to turn around my progress. once u make urself do it a few times, u will be back into it. it works the same both ways, you dont do it for a while, you dont want to do it at all, OR u start doing it and want to keep it up
  • dandaninc
    dandaninc Posts: 392
    When you get that craving for unplanned snacks, try to eat some nuts or some PB. (Hope you aren't allergic.) It will help.

    Bad advice if your losing weight since they are high caloric dense foods...

    Try cucumber and pickles? anything less calories to fill yourself up when you cant get past not eating...

    Focus on your goal, I had to tell myself that if I gave in it was wasting all my effort, and it usually got me to persevere...

    Pickles huh?

    Time to go back to the store. I FN love pickles.
  • carrieblue052
    carrieblue052 Posts: 41 Member
    I did the same the other day, I've worked out its because I'm usually tired, even when I don't think I am, it makes me become a little more emotional and don't care what I do/ eat.
    You can add me as a mate if you want to rant etc
  • LaJaunaF
    LaJaunaF Posts: 112 Member
    Every meal can be a "do over". Just start with the next fork, spoonful. There are just going to be days like this. Give yourself a do over!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    When you get that craving for unplanned snacks, try to eat some nuts or some PB. (Hope you aren't allergic.) It will help.

    or, (if you're like me) you end up eating half the jar.
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    I have no idea if there is any truth to this whatsoever, but I had a prof in uni who told us to eat walnuts while cramming for tests, he claimed they were 'brain food'.
    I thought he was full of it, but I tried it and it really curbed my junk cravings. I was a harsh binge eater whenever I was doing difficult studying, especially before a test.
    The low cal stuff, like cucumbers, never worked, it would fill me up for half an hour then I'd go hunting for goodies again.
  • blondie6688
    I think you've done GREAT!!! Congrats to you. I get it... sometimes we just want to Enjoy food.. pig out. I've lost 50 lbs myself and I enjoy my "cheats". Then I get right back on... i 've read that it kickstarts your body again?? Also, I look at time of month, emotional state, stress level etc etc.

    Don't beat yourself up... pat yourself on the back for where you are... and enjoy your "cheat"

    Good luck on your exams girl!!
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    If you like pickles, try No Sugar Added Sweet Gherkins. They are made with Splenda and are really freaking good.
    And don't worry, we all have days where we snack and eat way too much. Tomorrow is a new day.
    Saturdays are when my husband and I have cheat meals. They actually help us stay on track the rest of the week. It works for us....I don't know about anyone else.
    You are going to be fine. Just acknowledging that you ate a bit more today is a good thing.
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    I think you've done GREAT!!! Congrats to you. I get it... sometimes we just want to Enjoy food.. pig out. I've lost 50 lbs myself and I enjoy my "cheats". Then I get right back on... i 've read that it kickstarts your body again?? Also, I look at time of month, emotional state, stress level etc etc.

    Don't beat yourself up... pat yourself on the back for where you are... and enjoy your "cheat"

    Good luck on your exams girl!!

  • rawfull
    rawfull Posts: 178
    I have started stocking the fridge with fresh veggies that I can eat anytime I feel hungry. Most of your veggies can be eaten until you are stuffed and still not be too many calories. My favorite is broccoli.

    I agree 100% and veggies and fruit are full of nutrients, unlike the addictive empty calorie foods... :)
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Try celery for snacking. The fiber fills you up with almost no calories. You're doing fine, we all need to snack sometimes. Since I started my diet I only keep weight watchers or skinny cow icecream bars on hand and if I want something cruchy or salty or savory I usually go for cheddar cheese rold gold pretzels or special k crackers with laughing cow cheese. Yum:flowerforyou:
  • xcmtnracer
    xcmtnracer Posts: 426 Member
    I do the same, then look at my weekly report and say to myself, crap, that sucks, next week I will do better. My weekly net is always under so I feel better about the weekend binges. It does motivate me to exercise harder and longer after the binges though which is better in a way.
  • RCSketch
    RCSketch Posts: 9
    I'm in college right now and I can tell you that when it's finals time nothing else matters to me, including what goes in my mouth. Look health is important, but frankly eating not-so-great for one week or two isn't going to ruin your goals long term. But it sounds like this has been taking away your focus from your studies. Your education is the most important thing. Just try your best, but don't worry about it if you eat a little poorly. Weight loss will still be there after finals. You can do it! (both your goals and your finals)
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    thanjs everyone for all the suggestions and kind words... it really made my day today...