Early 30-something F seeks old body back...

Hi all,

I've been on MFP for about 55 days and am knocking on the door of 40lbs lost with many many many more to go. I'm working hard on the mental aspect of my lifestyle change as that's always been my greatest challenge and so far so good. I'm a former college athlete whose body is screaming for its old, fit self to emerge from under the flub. I've been working out with a trainer 2-3 times a week for the last few weeks and can feel myself getting stronger. Looking over all of my info I realized today that I've been weak in the cardio dept as of late so I plan on upping that (I started today as a matter of fact). My weight loss the last 10 days has been weak as well. I decided today to up my calorie count as I think I've been consuming too few and my body has been in starvation mode. Big changes 55 days ago and re-evaluating today to make sure I continue down the right path. Off to bike I go...


  • jodyw83
    jodyw83 Posts: 38
    I feel you on that one! I haven't been thin since my senior year high school and that was a fleeting experience. Ten years is a looong time to be overweight/obese. I myself am plateauing. This 200 lb mark is vexing me. I started taking brisk walks each night.. well for the past two days! haha... but I think you're right on the cardio front. That's what I think a plateau is anyway, just time to reevaluate. Maybe we've gotten lax about logging EVERYTHING... or our weight has dropped so much that we need less calories. Anyway! good luck and I know you can do it! If you can do 40 you can do it all!