need help finding good vids

It has been awhile since I've done much in the workout dept. So needless to say I am way out of shape. I have large open room for exercising but need help finding good videos to workout with. My mom wants to work out with me as well which means low impact ( she has arthritis in both knees) Any suggestions on good beginner exercise (aerobicy) videos? My mom used to like the Sweating to the Oldies but I don't think I can stand that lol.


  • Jason67o48
    Jason67o48 Posts: 87
    Some of the things I used to do when I was at my worst health.

    2lb dumbells raised up over my head with both hands and slight jogging in place. Lift the knees, tuck in your tummy, execute perfect posture while doing this. Bring the dumbells down to full outward extension and back in then raise them up again. All that in one motion continuously helped me get back into the workouts I used to do.

    Or.. my mother is doing some interesting things to get in shape. Boxing, go buy some gloves and pads. One person punches one person absorbs punches with pads. You don't have to go FULL throttle with your punches just get those extremeties moving and get that blood flowing. If you do something like this I'd advise to learn how to do it properly as well as learning the proper method of pinching.

    I'm sure someone else can give way better advice than I just did but this is just one of the many things I did when I was at my worst weight. Eventually I just used youtube and to customize a set of workouts that I enjoyed to keep me motivated, interested and moving every day. Mike Chang has a great way of explaining how to work out and always encourages you to modify his workouts to your capabilities. Just have to look up key words and you'll find all kinds of Free help on the internet.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I would recommend Kathy Smith's Project You. Any of the moves can be done low impact. Also has a good weight training workout along with pilates and yoga.
  • Bostonstacey
    Bostonstacey Posts: 23 Member
    Try Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home videos. They're great!