How many calories?

I'm trying to lose 20 - 25 pounds by Christmas. I'm 138 - 140 now, and 5'3 - 5'4". I'm a girl, and I'm 18. (My profile says 23 because my parents, who know I'm on this site, don't like for me to put my real birthday in my information, although I AM saying my real age here - they don't know about that). According to three different sites, my BMR (including exercise) is 2100 calories so I'm not sure how many to eat to lose 1 - 2 pounds a week, or, 5 pounds a month.

Here is my workout plan:

Mon, Wed, Fri: I'll be doing 20 minutes of strength training (I already have a decent amount of muscle, but yes, some of my weight IS fat, too), alternating muscle groups, followed by 35 - 45 minutes of intense cardio. During my cardio, my heart rate is up the whole time. I only take 2 small breaks to get a drink. I don't want to get too thirsty.

Tues, Thurs: I'll do 15 minutes of HIIT in the morning, before eating breakfast. In the afternoon, I'll do 30 minutes of cardio (varying the exercises I do). During those 30 minutes, my heart rate will be up the whole time.

I'll rest on Saturday and Sunday. Also, on top of exercise, I usually do about 30 minutes of some sort of chores, and I usually play 45 - 60+ minutes of WII in the evening. I know it doesn't count as exercise, but it is more calories being burned.

I was thinking on Mon, Wed and Fri to eat about 1500 calories, and on Tues and Thurs to eat about 1700 and on the days I don't exercise I'll eat about 1200.

Any tips, comments, critics? How many calories do you think I should eat?

PS. Please don't tell me to talk to a professional. I can't, I don't have the money. I also cannot afford to go to the doctor. Thank you!

Also, I keep my diet clean. With lots of vegetables, fruits. whole grains, nuts, chicken, water, and green tea - no sugar added. :)