Turning skinny guys into buff guys advice.....

I'm on here trying to loose a few. When I was young I had a hard time gaining weight. My son is in his teens and would like to gain weight and buff up. I try and tell him don't worry the weight will come and so will the muscles. Believe it or not some people struggle with gaining weight just as much as loosing it. There's tons of diets ect , classes on loosing weight but not alot of info on turning an ectomorph body type into a buff guy. I know the easiest thing to say is tell him to eat everything. But he wants to look sculpted and not over weight . As crazy as it sounds , there is a fine line. Wanted to see if you could give us some advice if you went through this transformation . On what you ate, how many calories, and what your weight regimen was like . Thanks This was our lunch topic today he's ready for a change.


  • pedramf77
    pedramf77 Posts: 5 Member
    Start by calculating his BMR online on any of the online calculators. Multiply it1.3 and have him eat that much every day. Not much more and no less. Weigh him once a week. You want him to gain about half a pound a week. If he is losing weight add calories slowly until he is gaining at that rate. If he is gaining faster cut calories in small increments until he is gaining .5 lbs a week or less. We want lean muscle not fat that he will have to burn later.

    He should be doing strength training 3 times a week during weight gain. He can do cardio but calories burned during cardio must be added to daily intake.

    I would not worry about protein supplements unless he is a vegetarian. I have rarely met someone who actually needs them.
  • forwesgar13
    forwesgar13 Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you for the input. He just came and read your post. When he strength trains, for guys I know its more weight smaller reps. He just said he was not gaining muscle when he went to the gym he felt like he was just putting on weight . Do you have any advice on what you do?
  • pedramf77
    pedramf77 Posts: 5 Member
    Generally explosive strength and intensity get you mass faster. But I think form should be mastered first and never compromised. Intensity does not mean so much weight that you can't do it correctly. I think any young kid wanting to become buff should read the following article on what real fitness is. Very motivating and informative.
