Paleo Diet

I keep on hearing about this type of diet & it is even recommended by some online articles. I also have a friend who advice me to try this diet. To be frank, I'm totally ignorant about this type of diet plus I hate the word "diet" since I was an ex yo-yo dieter so any thing with the word diet on it means fad diet.

Can anyone tell me more about this type of diet? Is it really beneficial or it is just another trendy diet that is meant to go out of style in the future? More importantly, is this something that I can stick with for life? Sorry for my ignorant questions but I totally know nothing about this thing.


  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    I don't know whether you can stick with it, but I've done it for 13 months and definitely plan to for the rest of my life. It's not really a fad diet because the idea of it has been around for a while (and technically it's been around longer than any other diet). About 6 or 7 months ago, for some reason, it started garnering a lot of attention among the "fad diet" crowd. I don't know what resulted in it's jump in popularity, but I can tell you that if you really want to, you can do it for the rest of your life. You can get all the nutrients you need (as far as I know) by following the paleo diet.

    It's based on the idea that our metabolism hasn't changed much since the "caveman days" (paleolithic period). Essentially, it comes down to the fact that if a food requires fire in order for it to be edible, you cannot eat it. While foods like chicken require fire now due to diseases, the same was not true during the paleolithic period because those diseases weren't around then.

    The most "successful" argument against it is that the composition of meats, fruits, and vegetables is different now than it was back then. Most fruits and vegetables are now grown in soil that has significantly less nutrients than soil in the paleolithic period because of over-farming. Similarly, animal meat has more fat now than it did in that period.

    If you have any specific questions, I'd be happy to answer them as I'm sure others will be as well.