Is there anyone just now starting Couch to 5k?



  • sataylor24
    sataylor24 Posts: 49 Member
    I would love to start this but the temp has been in the 100s here (108 yesterday and forecast is calling for same today). As soon as there is a break in the weather - I am there.
  • hjoyk
    hjoyk Posts: 6 Member
    I`m on Week 2 and really enjoying it, while I huff and puff... it is a good balance!!
  • sotellmedarling
    sotellmedarling Posts: 35 Member
    I started a month or so ago, but stopped for various reasons (not excuses, but legitimate reasons). I had made it to the end of week 2. But I started over on Week 1 yesterday to help build my endurance even more than last time (week 2 was kicking my butt!). I use C2K5 Free by Zen Labs on my Android to keep my timing and everything and let me know where I'm at. But if you have any smartphone, there are tons of free C25K apps you should check out. Many are free. I downloaded quite a few to try them out and see what was best for me. I hear the Nike Running App is really good too, but it's on my list of "to try" that I haven't checked out yet.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I did Day 1 last night! It was exhilarting! :happy:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I would love to start this but the temp has been in the 100s here (108 yesterday and forecast is calling for same today). As soon as there is a break in the weather - I am there.

    108 here too. I just stayed inside and walked/jogged in place in my bedroom with the radio blasting. You can burn fat in the A/C. =)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    i've been doing it, though not consistently. i'm on week 1 (again). LOL! yesterday was day 1, tomorrow will be day 2.

    my days are mondays, wednesdays, and fridays! let's do this! :)

    same here!
  • mgraue82
    mgraue82 Posts: 168 Member
    I did Day 1 last night! It was exhilarting! :happy:

    That is exactly how I felt on day 1!!!! :wink:
  • gmomma02
    gmomma02 Posts: 4 Member
    I started again yesterday. I made it to week 3 in January and stopped. I would love some buddies along the way! Is everyone doing every other day? I was thinking M, W, F and then strength training T,T, and Saturday.
  • seamstar
    seamstar Posts: 29 Member
    hi there! feel free to add me. i started last night and man oh man do my shins hurt! guess i should have stretched!
  • orangebreeze
    orangebreeze Posts: 15 Member
    I will be on Week2 Day2 for tomorrow's run. I LOVE it! Yesterday was the first time I had run since being on vacation last week and I felt so good. I even bettered my mile time by almost a minute and cannot wait for tomorrow's run.
  • ahelgers10
    ahelgers10 Posts: 376 Member
    I started last week but haven't gotten to run for a few days due to rain. I am going to repeat a day or two of week 1.
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    I downloaded the app but have been nervous to start. I am a BIG 300+ to I plan to do it in home to start out. Kinda like Leslie Sansone. I plan to just walk then jog until I am used to it. But nervous. Sadly I used to run track as a child and loved it. Want to get back into that, running every day like I did before.
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    I just started...yesterday was Week 1 Day 1...I couldn't believe how fast the 30 minutes went by...I wanted to keep going...I absolutely loved it! I will be 65 in December and have never run in my whole life...I find the whole thing quite amazing.

    I'm also using the C25K app from Zen Labs but on my Ipod since I don't have an Iphone. I am going to try very hard to follow their plan to the letter (I have a tendency to try to rush things) and will do it every Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.

    If an old lady like me can do it...everyone can...LOL!
  • gladpants
    gladpants Posts: 26
    Don't feel embarrassed about running in public. Feel proud feel strong and don't let other affect you. After all you are doing something. Unlike so many others you are actually doing something. We want to lose weight not only for us but to change the way others view us. Those who ridicule are hypocrites. They themselves tell you you need to get in shape and call you bad names, but then you do that and they mock you still. Screw them. Don't let those people stand in your way. Don't let them be a reason for you to not lose the weight. Run strong, Run proud and make yourself a new you.

    I jiggle when I run. I bounce when I jog. But I also smile and sing along to my iPod. I'm really excited to start the c25k app. I don't care how big my stomach is or how much my man boobs jiggle, because I'm doing something to change it. I am, and not them.
  • Meamo
    Meamo Posts: 89 Member
    I can start wednesday! Treadmill of course in this weather. but a co-worker had shared this with me a year ago! But I would love to friend and send messages to someone wanting to start! Any takers! send me a message. only daily MFP loggers please :happy:
  • AllyC_804
    AllyC_804 Posts: 32
    My day 1 was yesterday! Feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • Kerilynnda
    Kerilynnda Posts: 129 Member
    I am determined to start this today... I'm very nervous!! I am not a runner, and usually end up having some sort of asthma fit after 4 blocks, but usually I try and run a mile right off the bat. So i'm going to try and start slow... :smile:

    Wish me luck, and good luck to anyone else out there doing it!!

    If anyone has any tips or anything, please let me know!
  • chazsucks
    chazsucks Posts: 170
    I started the day before yesterday, today is my second run. I'm also blogging how i do on the runs :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I completed Week 5 Day 2 today... and am gearing up for Week 5 Day 3(20 minute run, no walking).

    My advice is to go slow... like slower then you even think you need to go. Running outside is not easy.. and you need to be prepared to go slower then usual.
  • georgie_lou
    georgie_lou Posts: 225 Member
    I'm on week 2 (i do it on the treadmill) and I love it! I hated running and never though I would enjoy it but I do! I think it's going to be heaps different when start running outside. Might do C25K twoce...once on a treadmill and once in the real world and then move onto the next app. LOVE IT!!!