Turning 52 tomorrow and ready for change!

So my doctor actually spent 1/2 hour of his time with me today. I learned a lot and feel quite encouraged. I need to lose about 30-40 lbs. and am going to stick with counting calories until I get there. It was the method that he said is THE most important.

I am a regular exerciser but always have eaten too much. Past time to remedy that:) Hoping before Thanksgiving. Some major changes to be thankful for would be wonderful.


  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I wish you all the best! :)
  • mep1976
    mep1976 Posts: 2
    good luck ! I also want to lose about 40 pounds. I've lost already 12 lbs doing this and will continue to do it! I started at 250 lbs and I'm going to get to 210 at least! I will do it!
  • campibev
    campibev Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome to MFP I have found it to be very helpful in keeping track of not only calories but also how much fat and carbs i am eating. good luck. I am 56 and so ready for a change along with my husband and so many of our friends do it together and encourage each other which is very helpful.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Happy Birthday and welcome to the best year of your life! So glad you're here on MFP - it's a wonderful thing!
  • NeverGoinBack2012
    Welcome to MFP. I turned 52 yesterday. I lost 12 lbs. using MFP in 2 months. I lost 5 lb's prior to starting MFP, so a total of 17 lbs. since April. It's an effective way to manage your calorie intake and your activity level. Good luck!!!!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Happy birthday and welcome to MFP :)
  • libbymathews
    libbymathews Posts: 3 Member
    An early Happy Birthday greeting from Maryland! Hope you have a fantastic day!

    I am new as well. My friend joined & has already lost. She has inspired me! I once was a skinny thinny winny, but age, bad choices, depression, LOTS of prednisone, stress, and Diabetes did me in. I am a newlywed, was married on 07/13/12 (second marriage) to a wonderful man that accepts me as me. Also a Mom to a 20 yr old (just turned yesterday), 19 and 17! My weight loss is for health and feeling good for MYSELF! I know it is time. My knees are killing me and I struggle breath wise to move too much. Of course this HOT & HUMID awful weather has not helped since I am also an asthmatic (had since 12 so not triggered solely by weight).

    Anyway, that is me. :) Enough whining right? LOL!
  • momof4ts
    momof4ts Posts: 118
    Happy birthday! Welcome to mfp!:flowerforyou:
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    Happy birthday!! This is a great site and a wonderful present to yourself! We are here to help you along. Good luck!
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member