Sugar Goal

How can I stay under my goal? I always seem to pass it, but I stay under in the other categories. I don't mind passing protein, fiber, and vitamins.


  • joconnor09
    joconnor09 Posts: 124
    I have the same problem! Sugar is the one macro I consistently go over in... I'm often doubling my recommended intake! How do I cut the extra sugar out? It seems like everything I eat has sugar in it. I'm sure I must be pretty badly addicted to it, but how do I end that addiction? I think sugar is currently my biggest obstacle to weight loss :(
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Sugar hasn't stopped me losing. I used to eat a LOT of the damn stuff (seriously, over 100g a day for most days) before I started tracking. Now I've set it to 65g and try for natural sugars over refined (although sugar is sugar whatever the source) and find it easy to stay around that with 1890 cals. You don't need to worry too much about it as far as I see it.

    OH! And MFP sets macros to freaky levels. Specifically, sugar and proteins are notoriously low.