Big Brother ...what do you think

lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
Shane - I think he's shady. I don't trust him. Something about him is "off"

Ian - is a twerp. He is too immature to be there. Smart as a whip, but rocks in my driveway have more common sense.

JoJo - is on the wrong show. She's a housewife. She makes deals with whoever listens and is loyal to everyone ..blah blah blah

Joe - he's got brains but lacks the ability to use them. Cooking wont win half a million. Votes do. His social game is called suck up game.

Ashley - ohhhh boy. Is she high?

Danielle - is gonna get caught in her teacher lie. Super sweet. If she said she was a nurse to begin with she could have been fine. She's already spinning a web and getting tangled. Poor girl.

Wil - hilarious. Great social game. Needs to step up in company.

Frank - social game is good. Good in comps. Probably gonna be evicted soon because he's the biggest threat right now. (After his HOH)

my top 3 for the win no particular order...

Wil, Danielle, Ashley.

As for coaches. I didn't include them. Boogie is an asshat. Janelle is a man. Brittany is annoying as hell and Dan....well Dan is boring. They shoulda brought evel d ick back. No. They shoulda not brought any vets back.

What do y'all think?

**its not a debate! Just your opinion on what you think of players!!!