On my way to 50 pounds lighter

Hi everyone

My name is Amy and I live in Nova Scotia. I am thrilled to find this site - so far, it has proven to be a wealth of resources and a perfect "pal" to help me on my weight-loss journey.

I will be going to my first TOPS meeting this evening, so I will have my current weight then. I plan to lose 50 pounds. I think I am about 195-200 lbs. (Should be interesting to see what the numbers say tonight and I will post it here.)

I re-started my fitness goals - three days a week for cardio and strength training (1 hour). I will be getting some walks in here and there and some bike riding as well.

I am 51 so this will be quite the challenge and I'm thinking the road will be long and hard. But I've been at the bottom of the hill before. I quit smoking a year and a half ago.

I want to be in less pain and feel good about myself. I do not want diabetes (it's in my family). This excess baggage has been with me long enough!