Off to traffic court

_Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
Hey guys,
Off to traffic court today down in Detroit. Not looking forward to it. Im just wondering what are your craziest court stories? Get off because of some rediculous error? Cop didnt show up? Defendant didnt show? I was once a witness in a court case, that the court date happened right during a very important class that I had to miss, and neither the plantiff or the defendant showed up, so I just said to the DA that I was not coming back under any circumstance, that I would write a letter (which I already did) of my testimony, and if they wanted to subpeona me again, theyd have to find me personally (my listed address was at home, but I was actually moving in between school dorm, my house, and my gf house, different place every day, very hard to track. Never heard from the court again, never heard the resolution of the case (I knew both the person pressing charges and the person who was having charges pressed against them)


  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Both times I got speding tickets from state police officers I opted for the court appearance rather than to just pay the fine. Both times the officer didnt show up so the tickets were dismissed, saving me a couple hundred dollars. I've been a biit of a speed demon in the past but have rehabilitated somewhat.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I once got pulled over and arrested for 122 MPH in a 65 zone.
    I ended up beating the ticket and charges because Car & Driver had track tested my EXACT car and topped out at 109 MPH in perfect conditions therefore it was impossible for me to be going that fast at all let alone the imperfect conditions of I-95.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    :frown: coroners court when on work experience job shadowing a journalist ... scary mafia-osa type senerio