Motivation is needed


I've resorted to this site to solve my weight gaining issue that lasted for years, I reached a weight that I've never thought I'd be, and each and every time I try to diet I end up losing faith in my self and regaining all the weight I lost, I need to end this never ending rollercoster in losing and regaining weight, the problem with myself is I want lose weight very quickly I can't be patient every time after I lose three or five kilos then I return eating more until I add more weight than I lost before.

What do you guys think?


  • dirtydmvkid
    dirtydmvkid Posts: 184
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I think that the most important thing we all need to learn is that once we lose the weight, we can NEVER return to old eating habits. It's just not possible if you want to keep the weight off. There are no quick fixes, they will always cause disappointment. I have been on this site over 500 days and I am still not at my goal weight, and that is ok because I have changed my eating habits well enough to maintain the same weight since January! Good luck!
  • emtjess
    emtjess Posts: 26
    Hi ema, you can add me and I will try to help motivate you. You must also believe in yourself and be the change that you wish to see! I know eating right and keeping up with it is hard, but imagine all of the perks you receive from this. You may possibly stave off diabetes, heart disease. . . .the list goes on and on! So good luck and feel free to add me =-)
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    I think you need to get a good support group on here and you will be amazed at the things you can accomplish. Be didn't go on in one day so it won't come off in one and you should do great. MFP is an awesome tool in losing weight or maintaining after the loss. It is a life style change, not a diet. We get this way from eating wrong, if you look at it as a diet, that means it is temporary which means, your weight loss will be temporary. You took the biggest step in joining and wanting to change. Now.......there's nothin to it but to DO IT!!! best of luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a friend for support
  • tootzi
    tootzi Posts: 14 Member
    I think its a good think that you have resorted to this site..cuz that means you are wanting to lose the weight and you are taking a step to do so....If you would like to add me I will help motivate you..BUT REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO MOTIVATE YOURSELF FIRST......just take things day by day...i have to do is as well....soo good luck...
  • rjcm58
    rjcm58 Posts: 8
    It does take some patient with losing weight and to keep up the motivation. Its good to be aware of what you eat, but at the same time, enjoy the process and keep yourself busy by finding what physical activities you like or a hobby you would like to start or restart. I, too, would like to lose all the weight yesterday and I have to keep from getting discouraged when the scales don't move fast enough LOL. I think about how well I feel right now.
    Record your weight and body measurements, keep exercising, watch what you eat and record it, then in 6 months from now you will be surprised at how well you've done. Time goes by fast enough and every small step you do now will show in a few months time.
  • racbergs
    racbergs Posts: 72
    I know what you mean. Im all about seeing immediate results, and if it doesn't happen, I get discouraged. It took me a while (like months) but eventually I got myself into the right mindset. you just have to keep talking yourself into it :) and you'll get there. Get yourself a weight loss buddy if you can or even a sponser (friend or family member or even a complete stranger), that way when you're feeling discouraged and find yourself trying to sabatoge all your hard work you've got someone to call to talk you off the ledge. Good luck!! I hope this helped :)
  • keash
    keash Posts: 12
    Hi, I know it is hard but if you truly want the results to last then you need to make changes that are going to last a lifetime.

    Start slow - keep track on here of your eating habits for a week - and be honest no matter how scary the figures are. After a week, pick a meal, for example start with breakfast, work out three changes you going to make that week, whether it is when you eat it, what you eat, how much you eat / drink and do them for a week. The following week add one more small change to to your daily plan. Eventually by making small changes they will become second nature to you and you shouldnt fall back into your old ways :-)

    Add me as a friend and I will help you with any questions etc you may have and even suggest areas to work on if you need.


    PT & Nutrition :-)
  • tishajo
    tishajo Posts: 142 Member
    Someone posted this back in May of this year. I'm not sure who it was but this post has kept me on track.

    #1 - N I /\/\ - NO INSTANT MIRACLES.

    I've got a lot to lose, and I needed to get into the mindset that I'm in it for the long haul. I also needed to remind myself that it would be weeks, or months, before I started noticing a real difference. If I could commit to that - I would eventually turn the N I /\/\ around into a W I N .


    I lost the first 10 pounds within a couple weeks, and at that point set a goal to get down to my target weight by my next birthday by losing 10 pounds a month for 10 months. After plateauing about three months in, I was no longer on track for that goal. Rather than giving up in frustration, I decided that it no longer matters how LONG it takes - as long as I keep working towards the goal, I WILL get there.


    I still have a GOAL to lose 10 pounds a month. But if I only lose 7, so what? I'm still 7 pounds closer than I was a month ago.


    I do pretty good most days staying at or under my calorie goals. But some days I end up a hundred, or even several hundred calories over. If it happens, it's not a total failure. Since my target is 1000 calories below my maintenance intake, I am STILL coming out ahead, even on the days when I totally blow my goals.


    I admit, I'm not losing as fast as I could. If I chose to subsist on grilled chicken breasts and dry salad, I could lose a couple more pounds a month. But I don't want to merely subsist. I want to be able to get together with friends once or twice a week over a couple of beers, or to have pizza and pasta from time to time. And I don't want to feel guilty about it. By cutting back a little rather than eliminating them entirely, I can fit the things I enjoy into my diary and stay within (or reasonably close) to my daily goal.


    The scale isn't going to go down every single day. But that doesn't mean I can't find something else to celebrate. Every day I hit my calorie goal for the day, or every day I get my 10,000 steps in, is a small victory. I celebrate milestones - every 5 pounds lost, every 5 days of keeping a streak alive, every 50 miles walked.


    When I hit that plateau, I knew I needed to change something up to get back on track. After reviewing my diary and my pedometer logs, I realized that I would often go three, four, five days in a row without exercising. About that same time, a friend of mine sent me a link to an article that gave me an additional tool to motivate me to walk every single day. Now, choosing to blow off exercise for a day is no longer even an option in my mind.
  • tealfrye
    tealfrye Posts: 3
    you should try dieting 6 days every week but on the 7th have a junk food day pizza chips w.e, thats what i do and its been working for over a month now
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    If you set your expectations too high right out of the gate, you will likely be disappointed. One poster on here lost 4 lbs her first month and was super upset because it wasn't 18-20 lbs. Set reasonable goals, small and acheivable. Make them 1-3 months at first. Once you approach a goal weight, then set an new goal, and make changes to your eating and exercising accordingly.

    You can defnitely do this. So many folks on here have! Find a person you interact with ever day (coworker, neighbor, friend) who can help motivate you and keep you accountable. And, find some friends on here who can encourage you.

    Work hard, and you'll surprise yourself!!
  • ema55
    ema55 Posts: 2
    I'm very happy to read all of the replies, and i will to do the step in changing, but I'm scared that I will find myself astray from the losing weight process within a week or so, how do I still keep myself encouraged facing food temptations?
  • wstokes28
    wstokes28 Posts: 25 Member
    I think you need to get a good support group on here and you will be amazed at the things you can accomplish. Be didn't go on in one day so it won't come off in one and you should do great. MFP is an awesome tool in losing weight or maintaining after the loss. It is a life style change, not a diet. We get this way from eating wrong, if you look at it as a diet, that means it is temporary which means, your weight loss will be temporary. You took the biggest step in joining and wanting to change. Now.......there's nothin to it but to DO IT!!! best of luck on your journey and feel free to add me as a friend for support

    Ditto! If you approach weight loss by dieting, most likely, you will gain the weight back. You have to change your mind, and the way you eat. I don't like the word diet, because. When we diet, we start to really restrict ourselves and do unhealthy things to accomplish weight loss. What we really need to do is eat better and if there is something you really love don't cut it out, but plan for when you can eat it. Also, if you are able, you will have to exercise. Building muscle will help your body burn calories. MFP is a great site of like minded individuals that will support you all the way. MOST important, don't give up and please feel free to add me if you like. Good luck on your journey.