Please take a look at my food diary!



  • cersela
    cersela Posts: 160 Member
    Yeah, being a 'pear shape' sucks haha.

    I had NO idea you could make your own tofu, that's awesome. I'll definitely look into that (: Is a good one, she uses a tofu press but you can just use a plastic container with something as a weight.
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member

    Lentils-you can make soup with them...mix them with cooked quinoa (for a vegan friendly protein option)
    Beans-rice, quinoa, couscous, wild rice, potatoes

    You can also get protein through nuts and nut butters...tofu smoothies, maybe? Just looks like not enough protein or calories overall.

    I'd love to try out some nut butters actually, I used to eat peanut butter quite a lot (with celery or cucumber) but then developed a massive peanut allergy ):

    And cersela- thank you for the link. Thank you all so much actually, i've got so many more ideas already.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    I'd totally add some trail mix in there for the calories as well as a little more of all macros. Just a handful or two a day. or I love making a wrap with a banana, almond butter and a whole grain wrap! yummers!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    you are always under your calorie goal! This is why you arent seeing results. Eat your full 1200, like others have said, in nutrient rich foods full of protien like nuts and seeds.
  • Laurie1267
    Laurie1267 Posts: 169 Member
    Fats and proteins both too low, you're eating an excess of sugar and starch.

    This ^^ and you're not drinking water ~ why?
  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    You are seriously lacking in protein! If you are trying to get fit it is imperative that you consume enough protein! Without it you cannot build muscle, you will not heal well from injury etc. The most obvious sources are meat and dairy, which you don't eat and that's perfectly fine. Being a vegan is perfectly healthy if you are doing it right, but you are not paying attention to getting all your nutrients, mainly protein. As a vegan beans are your very best friend. High in fiber and protein! They are inexpensive and can be prepared so many different ways! you should be eating at least a serving a day. Also incorporate nuts into your diet. They are another non-animal food that will help you to meet your protein requirements. They are high in fat, but it's the good kind of fat. still that's what you should be snacking on. Other suggestions are tofu and peanut butter. Also beans can be made into all kinds of delicious things... soups, plain, you can even make burgers out of them! google "vegan bean recipes" I am sure you find a ton of stuff. Also, beans are easy to season. Alone they don't have a ton of flavor, so add the spices of your choice. Personally I like adding cumin and cayenne pepper (along with veggies) and letting them simmer in the crock pot all day!
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    This ^^ and you're not drinking water ~ why?

    I actually do drink a lot of water, I forget to track it almost every day, oops haha
    And somanyrhoades- thanks for the tips! I will definitely look into adding more beans/nuts into my diet (and thank you to whoever recommended trail mix!) I like black beans and pinto beans, i'm going to try and learn to love lentils (my parents cooked them a lot when I was younger and I hated them, haha) but they're not as bad as I remember, I went to a vegan cafe a few months ago and they had lentil burgers! I need to start cooking more as I usually have veggies on their own/salads and if I cook it's always just pasta/potato based. I think I might start a recipe book!
    Thanks again everyone, you're all so nice and helpful. ^^

    Also do you think the exercise I plan on starting up again (I posted on the first page) come september is good in terms of getting fit? (Excuse my laziness over the summer, haha). Is there anything else you'd recommend doing exercise/sport wise?
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    you are always under your calorie goal! This is why you arent seeing results. Eat your full 1200, like others have said, in nutrient rich foods full of protien like nuts and seeds.

    I will definitely try to reach my calorie goal every day... it's just surprisingly hard when you're not hungry/are genuinely full :3 I think i'll be using my snacks to bump the total up!