

  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I am all about HIIT and I will say that it is IS IS IS for everyone. thats what P90X, Insanity and those hardcore programs are for BUT BUT BUT can be tailored to all body shapes, sizes, or men or for women. I would say it will be good .

    SO you can jump in as a newbie and find that it will still work for you. For advance people, they can push harder and still get an amazing workout.

    HIIT all the way!!

    This is exactly what I love about it. I have used it for over a year now and LOVE HIIT especially in a group class. Having some competition and others to push you just that LITTLE bit further is awesome!! I went from 260 and out of shape 18 months ago doing mostly HIIT now I am 207 doing hand stand pushups and one arm pull ups. It is fun and works and after awhile you will find yourself able to do more in everyday life then you ever could just going to the gym. TRY IT!! =0)
  • tannjam
    tannjam Posts: 109 Member
    I DO HIIT everyother day, never took a class just outside !! Love to hate it!! Its definately a good work out!!!
  • cjh03
    cjh03 Posts: 74 Member
    Like others have said, you should certainly do it if it looks fun to you. The main thing would be to keep it to a level that works for you. Don't try to keep up with those people in the class that are just blasting through the exercises. Once you start, you'll want to do more and more. Eventually you'll be one of those people beasting through the class! :D
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    One other thing if you dont have one get yourself a decent heart rate monitor. First times I did HIIT I tend to push myself pretty hard to keep up. Its the competitive side of me I suppose, but I used an HRM and realized I was hitting 218 HR. This helped me say when even when I didnt feel like it. As you get in better shape your heart rate will be more controlled.
  • fizzy123
    fizzy123 Posts: 220 Member
    Go for it ! Its A GREAT workout. However it's easy to get injured if you go full out, without giving your body a chance to get used to the faster pace work.
    My impression here is you've being doing endurance and low impact with the spinning.(Although you might have done some interval work spinning, it will have been low impact stuff.)
    Your body will love the change with intervals but give yourself time to get used to the high impact of HIIT. Your instructor will guide you on this.Talk to them before the class.:wink:
    The best way to get started with Interval Training is to choose a cardio exercise you regularly perform and incorporate bursts of higher-intensity exercise into them, beginners may not have the stamina to be able to alternate their high and low-intensity periods for a duration that is sufficient to match the calories burned with their usual longer duration, but more moderate,cardio training.
    Before doing any Interval Training it’s important to give your body and muscles a proper warm-up, including stretching and at least 10 minutes of light cardio to raise your body temperature and prep your muscles for the higher intensity training that lies ahead. Do not skip this step.You can then use HIIT in all your workouts.
  • sozzell
    sozzell Posts: 166
    I also do HIIT - both when running outdoors (30 secs running as fast as I can, then walking/slow jogging for a minute or minute and half - for 20 mins maximum. Also do HIIT in strength training (Bodyrock) - 50 seconds doing as many reps as possible then 10 seconds rest, like circuit training.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I've never done HIIT indoors in a class before. That being said, I did it once a week all last summer outside. I was 39 and in so-so shape. I used to sprint in the parking lot of the elementary school at 5 a.m. Let's just say the first few times I did it, I had to call my husband to come pick me up...I was THAT wrecked. But by the end of the summer, my older son who was 9 at the time, was coming with me and I was beating him (on occasion) and we walked home. Shredded the belly fat off me pretty quickly too. Good luck, it will shake things up for sure.

    I don't condone beating your children...even on occasion ;-)

    LOL. Nothing like a nine-year old to get your legs moving faster. Whatever works, right? :laugh:
  • Sorrycharlie2007
    Sorrycharlie2007 Posts: 66 Member
    You all gave amazing advice. I can't wait to give it a try in the morning.. The downside? The class is at 5:15am ekk..
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136
    You all gave amazing advice. I can't wait to give it a try in the morning.. The downside? The class is at 5:15am ekk..

    remember, it takes time to adapt so that you are capable, then good at any new thing. And by all means, let us know how you like it!
  • smareeh
    smareeh Posts: 117 Member
    So what is a good heart rate to reach when doing HIIT?
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136
    So what is a good heart rate to reach when doing HIIT?
    I use the RPE- ''rate of perceived exertion chart'' in my class rather than stopping to check a HR, and that still depends on each person's fitness level. where 1 is sleeping level, 10 is heart exploding effort, call ems!, the high intensity segments should be up in the 7-9 range- full out effort, not able to talk and work... and then drop back to 5-6 range between bursts.