anyone doing 30 day shred AND couch to 5k?

I'm currently on Day 9 of 30 day shred(level 1) and i decided since im not losing weight to crank it up a little bit and do Couch to 5k..

i experimented today to see if i could manage 'couch to 5k' and week 1 day 1 was really not that hard.. so I think I will stick to it.

30 day shred in the mornings.. couch to 5k in the afternoon/evening on treadmill at the gym.

i'd love to give motivation to others(and receive it) who are currently in a similar place to where i am at in my excercise programs.. :):)

have you done both? have you done both? hop in to this thread even if you are only doing one :)


  • lizzyksm
    What is Couch to 5K?
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I am doing couch to 5k and it is working well for me .
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    I am actually doing the 30 day shred and also training for a 5K on November 1st....

    It works well for me, I do my shred in the AM, sometimes I do a Bob, work out instead. In the evenings at least 3 days I am running 3.5 miles and also doing cross training 1-2 times a week. I also once a week give myself off to to pilates in the AM and yoga in the Pm...

    This has been working good for me. I am hoping I just left a platue I was on and shred some of these pounds during the next month. I have been doing the 30 shred for 2 full weeks now, and running since early September...

    Good Luck, You got this!!!:flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Those two programs are a great combination. You get a wonderful balance! (I'm a cert. personal trainer)

    I began running last October with the couch to 5k program (running has always been something I strived to do but was always terrible at!) and in 3 days I'll be running my first half marathon (and I've already run a distance of 20.3km for my most recent long run). It's a great program and it will give you the base to build your running as much as you want to :wink:
  • Angie1215
    Angie1215 Posts: 125 Member
    I'm doing C25k and 30 Day Shred together.

    I just started W2 of C25k and day 7 level 1 of 30 Day Shred.

    On my off days from C25k I ride the Lifecyle bike and do the Shred everyday.

    I usually do the Shred, take a 10min break and go right into C25k or the bike, then a 14min stretching DVD so I don't get too sore. For me if I leave one until later i'm more likely to not do it. If I get it all in right after eachother I stay motivated and and am still in the mood to exercise. (did i just say "in the mood to exercise"???, I don't know who i've become lol)
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am trying to do both but the weather is not cooperating with me (damn rain). If you start a group I would love to join. I need help staying on task
  • myztic
    myztic Posts: 37 Member
    pedalhound wow thats what i strive for.. i want to run in a marathon ... it would be a great accomplishment.. i never really liked running when i was a teen... but now I realise the benefits of PE when we were in school.

    ourgang, how far are you into your 30 day shred? have you lost any weight from it ?

    Angie, we aren't far apart in both ! im somewhere close to you in your shred.. ill be moving to level 2 though on saturday... and im a week behind you in the c25k

    smadag, we can always support each other on this thread.. check in here :):):) since some of us are doing both c25k and the shred it would be good motivation! (to know that YOU CAN DO IT! )
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    pedalhound wow thats what i strive for.. i want to run in a marathon ... it would be a great accomplishment.. i never really liked running when i was a teen... but now I realise the benefits of PE when we were in school.

    ourgang, how far are you into your 30 day shred? have you lost any weight from it ?

    Angie, we aren't far apart in both ! im somewhere close to you in your shred.. ill be moving to level 2 though on saturday... and im a week behind you in the c25k

    smadag, we can always support each other on this thread.. check in here :):):) since some of us are doing both c25k and the shred it would be good motivation! (to know that YOU CAN DO IT! )

    I must tell you I was very sad the first week as I gained a pound.. The second week though I did loss 5 pounds. I am now on the 3rd week so I weigh in on Wednesday again... I have 14 pounds I would like to loose by November 30... I'm hoping to hit that and then sum...:flowerforyou:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    I am doing both C25K and 30-Day Shred too. However, on my off days from C25K is when I am doing 30 day shred, not both on the same day. I am also running out on the streets which is much harder on your legs than a treadmill (since I want to run a 5K outside, I would start there).

    I may walk or use an elliptical on my C25K off days also, but I want to build up the muscle and not damage it. :)
  • myztic
    myztic Posts: 37 Member
    i have 20 pounds that im desperate to lose then i am at prepreg weight and i will be very thin .. its my dream weight... but.. i dont mind being 2 pounds more than that with a more fit body :)

    i sort of think i actually gained a pound in this week but im not sure if thats from bad eating... or muscles or i dunno.. (my weight has been moving between 1 pound for the past 2 months.. up sometimes.. down sometimes but always within that 1 pound gr)... i hope level 2 gives me the weight loss ... even a little bit like 2 pounds is good enough..atleast its something. im gonna be so disappointed if lose absolutely nothing doing the shred.... cuz i mean, its not easy!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am stuck on another plateau and I am hoping that doing both of these workouts together that it will help break the cycle
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    i have 20 pounds that im desperate to lose then i am at prepreg weight and i will be very thin .. its my dream weight... but.. i dont mind being 2 pounds more than that with a more fit body :)

    i sort of think i actually gained a pound in this week but im not sure if thats from bad eating... or muscles or i dunno.. (my weight has been moving between 1 pound for the past 2 months.. up sometimes.. down sometimes but always within that 1 pound gr)... i hope level 2 gives me the weight loss ... even a little bit like 2 pounds is good enough..atleast its something. im gonna be so disappointed if lose absolutely nothing doing the shred.... cuz i mean, its not easy!

    I will let you know that when I started MFP, it took three months before I started losing. I actually lost in the beginning, but then gained it back (and then some) but I was losing inches. Then out of no where, it started dropping off (finally). Just keep with it, it will come off. Plus, since you only have 20 lbs to lose, I heard the last 10-20 are the hardest. :heart:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I did a run last night and went farther than I normally do. The distancve was the same but the lenght of time I ran compared to before was longer.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Just finished Week 1 of C25K! Will be doing Shred tomorrow! :)
  • myztic
    myztic Posts: 37 Member
    (i live in south africa so the time difference is about 10 hours)...

    I just finished day 10 of level 1.. my scale... hmmm nope didnt lose anything unfortunately
    I'm gonna do measurements later just to see if ANYTHING moved... my metabolism seems to be kicked up a little (so thats good).... but its nowhere near what it was when i was a teen.

    Im scared to start level 2 today.. i keep reading online how hard it is and honestly I did not find day 10 of level 1 very easy.. it was still challenging and i STILL do modified pushups... i can do everything else though although I HATE those lunges.... those are by far the hardest (along with pushups of course)

    my 20 pounds left is pregnancy weight. i have 20 pounds to get to pre preg weight(i started off really really thin)

    what days a week do you guys do Couch to 5 k? i did day one on thursday cuz my husband wanted to go to the gym but now im not sure which days to do it. friday is out since my husband plays a cricket game on fridays (nobody there to watch the kids then)... should i do monday... wed... saturday? but saturday is a hardish day... you know how weekends can be!
  • myztic
    myztic Posts: 37 Member
    ok so this morning i finished day 1 of level 2... omg.. that was crazy hard.. now i know what people are talking about when they say its SOOO much harder... i feel like im gonna throw up... ugh. BUT... i feel so proud that I did it... and dont be discouraged by how hard others say it is... it IS hard.. but if you push your body you WILL do it! :)

    if you thought you were sweating in level one.. you will drown in level two lol... but i am so proud that i did it and its great to know that my body CAN do it.

    Also, the modification for beginners do make it easier.. i think if i did all the modifications it would have been better... but i pushed myself when i knew i could.. and did the easy ones when i needed the break!

    good luck to all!! :):)