Filling up my boyfriend! help

My boyfriend is doing P90X and trying to GAIN mass by eating lots of calories, some coming from his 2 high calorie protein shakes a day. My problem, is that I'm NOT trying to gain mass and instead need to consume close to 1200 calories...unlike his ideal 5,000 so that I can lose weight. I like to make nice diners for us, but what I need to eat, does fill him up and satisfy him. Plus, he takes left overs to work and reheated veggies just aren't too good. I would like to make lean meat (chicken and fish) with a veggie every night.

What are some ideas of things to ADD to the meal that doesn't add more work for me, is filling for him, isn't tempting for me, and is convenient for him to take to work?



  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    For my boyfriend I add potatoes, stuff crab or a pasta dish to the side and I stick to just fish+the veggie.

    ETA: Oh, and don't forget the garlic bread. :P
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Can you just up the portion sizes for him? Or add a carb in with the meat and veggie - if you don't want to eat it, then it can just be for him?

    There are some superfoods that are quite filling: beans, sweet potatoes, quinoa, israeli cous cous, barley and oatmeal. When I was cooking for my boyfriend and I, I always made a lean protein, a healthy carb and a veggie or two. He also always ate cereal at night. Your boyfriend could always find a later night snack he likes, or a protein shake, to up his calories.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Maybe he can make his own freaking dinner. Sheesh!

    Just add a glob of cheese on the plate? IDK. Had him a protein drink along with dinner. Give him a triple portion. Sorry not helpful because I think if he wants something different than what you are making, then he needs to get up off the couch and make it.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    It's not too difficult. I cook a big roast chicken dinner, fill my plate up with veggies and breast meat, and he can have thigh/leg/breast with skin and potatoes. Or when he makes spaghetti bolognaise I have very tiny amount of pasta, veggies and sauce over both, but he has a heap of pasta and sauce.
    He has double the meat that I have, half the veggies and about 4 times or more carbs.

    It's only dinner that we eat together, so he gets a lot of calories elsewhere in the day.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm sorry but that thread title gave me some totally innappropriate for work thoughts.


    Can't he just have a larger portion?

    *ohmigod, I'm sorry, I've got the giggles now*

  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Why can't he drink another shake in addition to the dinner you have together? Problem solved.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    honestly, just make more food and let him eat several servings. if you make a bunch of stuff that you'd want to eat too you're just going to be battling yourself ALL THE TIME!!! OR, tell him to consume the majority of this calories during the day, when you're not around him!

    have him eat a HUGE breakfast. like a dozen eggs huge. i think if you start adding foods to meals, you're going to feel like you're being deprived when you don't get to eat it too..........
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Whole milk and peanut butter are the traditional staples of people bulking. Dirt cheap calories that contain protein and aren't overly filling.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
  • sportsforfun
    sportsforfun Posts: 353
    If he is trying to bulk, every meal should have one staple protein and one staple carb so your dinner sounds fine. He just needs to eat more snacks. If he brings a mid-afternoon snack and a bedtime snack, he will be able to get all his calories in without a problem.
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    These responses makes me think my question was silly :P perhaps it was.

    I'm not sure why I feel this obligation to feed him. It's just something nice I like to do for him, I guess.

    I think my biggest issue is not making anything too yummy for him so that I don't eat it. I'm sort of a compulsive lover of food.

    And, this sounds crazy...but I swear he just wouldn't eat unless I provide options for him.

    I'm thinking some bread and butter sounds like a good addition. Or, just making a a large dish like enchaladas and he can eat that for a for days.

    Thanks for the ideas :)
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    honestly, just make more food and let him eat several servings. if you make a bunch of stuff that you'd want to eat too you're just going to be battling yourself ALL THE TIME!!! OR, tell him to consume the majority of this calories during the day, when you're not around him!

    have him eat a HUGE breakfast. like a dozen eggs huge. i think if you start adding foods to meals, you're going to feel like you're being deprived when you don't get to eat it too..........

    YES! exactly....adding carbs like potatoes will just make me crabby that I can't eat it...and then I will therefore, eat it. Things that my boyfriend will willingly make himself include frozen pizza rolls, egg rolls, pizzas, tostidos, etc.....and he'll use the microwave, yuck (except for the pizzas). Those frozen items can get really expensive and doesn't last long.
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    Whole milk and peanut butter are the traditional staples of people bulking. Dirt cheap calories that contain protein and aren't overly filling.

    Good, simple idea...and I love the "dirt cheap" part :)
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    If he is trying to bulk, every meal should have one staple protein and one staple carb so your dinner sounds fine. He just needs to eat more snacks. If he brings a mid-afternoon snack and a bedtime snack, he will be able to get all his calories in without a problem.

    bedtime snacking is my weakness. I usually request he skip it as to not tempt me....mean, I know. I wish I had more control :/
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    I'm sorry but that thread title gave me some totally innappropriate for work thoughts.


    Can't he just have a larger portion?

    *ohmigod, I'm sorry, I've got the giggles now*


    I've been trying to come up with the "innappropriate" thought that was derived from my title...and I can't !! LoL...but I want to! The only thing I can think of, would relate more to if I was guy talking about my girlfriend. Hmm..hope I'm not crossing any lines with that statement.
  • Bigger portions is the easiest thing I can think of... Instead of making dinner/meals for 2, make them for 3-4 people, and he gets all the extra? Also I saw someone listed milk - yup, that's a good one. There's a thread/discussion around somewhere called AGOMAD, which stands for 'A Gallon Of Milk A Day.' And yes, more snacks - just baked chicken with some steamed broccoli, etc. And of course, he can add a few protein shakes during the day. If you're trying to get in 5000 calories a day, you really can't do it without major snacking.

    (Also, if you like making you both dinner, there's nothing wrong with that - ignore the haters who are giving you crap about cooking for him. It's a very nice gesture, and if it works for your relationship, that's great.)

    Good luck.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    A side of rice,pasta or a baked potato, give him two chicken breast/pieces of fish etc instead of one. Tell him to have bigger breakfasts and lunches. Or give him nuts and cheese to snack on before or after dinner.
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    Bigger portions is the easiest thing I can think of... Instead of making dinner/meals for 2, make them for 3-4 people, and he gets all the extra? Also I saw someone listed milk - yup, that's a good one. There's a thread/discussion around somewhere called AGOMAD, which stands for 'A Gallon Of Milk A Day.' And yes, more snacks - just baked chicken with some steamed broccoli, etc. And of course, he can add a few protein shakes during the day. If you're trying to get in 5000 calories a day, you really can't do it without major snacking.

    (Also, if you like making you both dinner, there's nothing wrong with that - ignore the haters who are giving you crap about cooking for him. It's a very nice gesture, and if it works for your relationship, that's great.)

    Good luck.

    Thanks :)
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    I am in the same scenario. He gets the majority of extra calories from jerky, protein shakes, & bars. I also make his meals in larger portions. It's really not hard to manage.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I've been doing 1,200 calories as well and I still eat the extra stuff that my boyfriend gets with his meals.. just in really little portions. Make good food and enjoy it!
    I don't think I could live the rest of my life seeing him eating delicious food and not having at least a little bit of it.