Oreos and Hunnies.

Okay, so I am going to need a little bit of extra motivation this week!
My boyfriend who I live with, he went shopping by himself today, and brought home like, three boxes of poptarts, a box of oreos, and two boxes of gushers. the big problem is the oreos. I AM ADDICTED TO THOSE.

the last time he brought me home oreos, they were gone in a week. :(

so i need some motivational words that i can look at on those late nights when i want to get on the computer and eat them!


speaking of my hunnie, he doesnt want me to get a scale! he thinks it will make me obsessive about my weight and blah blah blah. I really want to be able to track my progress so I dont get down on myself because I feel like im not losing weight.

I don't want this scale issue to turn into a big deal....maybe im just worrying over nothing and i should just go out and buy one myself!

either way!

Thanks :)


  • littlekimmyishy
    littlekimmyishy Posts: 34 Member
    Okay, so I am going to need a little bit of extra motivation this week!
    My boyfriend who I live with, he went shopping by himself today, and brought home like, three boxes of poptarts, a box of oreos, and two boxes of gushers. the big problem is the oreos. I AM ADDICTED TO THOSE.

    the last time he brought me home oreos, they were gone in a week. :(

    so i need some motivational words that i can look at on those late nights when i want to get on the computer and eat them!


    speaking of my hunnie, he doesnt want me to get a scale! he thinks it will make me obsessive about my weight and blah blah blah. I really want to be able to track my progress so I dont get down on myself because I feel like im not losing weight.

    I don't want this scale issue to turn into a big deal....maybe im just worrying over nothing and i should just go out and buy one myself!

    either way!

    Thanks :)
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Well Littlekimmyishy he doesn't sound very supportive. I say get the scale, in fact I'm going out and getting a digital model mine is so old. Put the food in a cupboard where you won't see it all the time. I have the same problem, my hunnie still loves to eat and he brings it home too. You will have to work on your own self control, and believe me when you see the pounds coming off that is all the motivation you will really need. I have dropped 5 pounds and today I made two batches of blackberry jelly and I love blackberry jelly, but now I look on it as a treat and yes it is alright to treat yourself once in a while. If I didn't have the knowledge that I could have something good once in a while I wouldn't be doing this at all. Deprivation is not the way to go.
  • raeokay
    raeokay Posts: 17 Member
    Your boyfriend does not sound supportive in any way. You're losing weight for YOU, right? Get the scale, go out and buy your own food, and be strong.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member

    I left you a message earlier on your topic "after the weights off." You can go to:

    Message Boards>General discussion
    Subject: after the weights off (you started the thread)...... regarding doing pushups.
    I am sorry you don't have the support of "Hunnie." Many men want to control your every move, and you need to stand up to him and buy the scale. If he gets argumentative or makes rude comments, I would just say "I could really use your help and support, and I know you love me, but I need to do this in a way that will work for me. I would like to be able to use the scale as a tool, that's all."

    Hopefully he will not try to sabatoge you any further. If you find these types of arguments are frequent, be careful. Love is patient, love is kind. Also remember you can't change him, maybe just ignore his comments and don't engage in his argument. It takes two to Tango and to argue.

    Please contact me if you need to talk. I will be away Sept. 11 - Sept. 14, but any other time is fine. I'm quite a bit older than you, but I've had some of your same experiences. Good luck, littlekimmy.

    cherylmorgan72@hotmail.com - just let me know in the subject line so the email doesn't get bounced to junk. I'm also on Pacific Time, so may not be online when you are. But I will answer you.

  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Get the scale. Just don't obsess about your weight, especially to him. If every 2 minutes you complain to him that you weighed yourself yet again and you gained half a pound, he'll feel that he was right that you shouldn't have gotten a scale.

    You should weigh yourself consistently but not obsessively. Weigh yourself once a day or once a week at the same time. (I weigh myself in the morning.) If you have gained weight, don't let it get you down. Just up your workouts or eat a few less Oreos. :)
  • amthomps521
    I say get the scale, but he's right people can get too obsessive about weighing themselves. I usually limit myself to once a week, except this last week I hadn't dropped an ounce so I cut my carbs and made sure I did a hard cardio workout, I just felt like my weight must be down a little so I weighed myself three days later and I was down one pound. But now I'm waiting a full week to get on it again. Buying the oreos when he knows you LOVE them doesn't sound supportive, unless it's his favorite too, I guess you shouldn't be making him give them up also. If it were me I'd make hime hide them and ask him to try and not eat them in front of you. Never fails, when I'm trying to diet my husband always seems to get his craving for chocolate covered peanuts, it drives me crazy!!
  • Skinnier_Me
    Skinnier_Me Posts: 341 Member
    I think you should get it.

    If you think you're going to obsess over weighing yourself, just give the scale to your boyfriend and tell him to give it to you on the same day every week.
  • littlekimmyishy
    littlekimmyishy Posts: 34 Member
    thanks so much for your guy's support!
    well, the oreos ended up not being a temptation because i got really sick this past four or five days and have barely been able to keep down a slice of bread!

    but i made sure to drink plenty fluids, so i didnt do too badly!

    ill just deal with it, and tell him to shove it :-p

    i think ill get a scale in about a month, when ive got more extra money, they may not be expensive, but ive got some major bills right now :)

    thanks again guys!
  • summerydoj
    Get a scale. It is one more step and taking control over your weight.

    Those weight loss programs only have you weigh in once a week. Pick the same day and time once a week and weigh yourself.
  • emoff3
    I just want to add to all of this that I took a nutrition class one time and my professor said that oreos are the worst food you could eat. For what they are, they have like the most calories, fat, and sugar. I have stayed away from them since then. Maybe thinking about that will keep you away from them!
  • littlekimmyishy
    littlekimmyishy Posts: 34 Member
    Yah I knew al that emoff :-p

    i just cant stay away from them! My nutrition class was really helpful for me too though. I will never eat some of the foods in the frozen food section again, because some of the pizzas have more sugar in them than the pies! WHAT is that about???
  • jill
    jill Posts: 11
    I laughed when I read that you went through a box of oreos in a week...they don't last a day around here! It's all relative I guess!

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member