Fitbit help...

Does anyone own a Fitbit? If so how do you feel about it? Pros and Cons? I want to buy one but I would like to hear some opinions on it before I throw down $100.

All opinions are accepted!

Thank You


  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    bump for later. I am interested in buying one too and need feedback.
  • Lovelybirdxx
    Lovelybirdxx Posts: 22 Member
    I take it nobody has any inputs on the fitbit?
  • sotellmedarling
    sotellmedarling Posts: 35 Member
    I'm quite interested in hearing stuff about the Fitbit too!

    100 dollars is a lot of money. But if it's a better overall investment than other products then it could be worth getting it for myself (for myself for my birthday so I don't feel as bad about spending so much money at once :laugh:). I was considering just a HRM, but it's been a difficult task figuring out which one is the best. If Fitbit is the better first investment, then I will definitely go with it instead.

    From what I've seen it looks like it does just about everything and it seems to be the most versatile in what sites you can integrate it with and what not. Excited to hear other people's thoughts!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    There are a few posts already started about the fitbit-I'm planning on getting one at some point but I felt it was better (for me at least) to get a HRM first. The fitbit is on my christmas wish list :wink: It depends on what you need/want it for?
  • kobashi
    kobashi Posts: 164
    bump. I'm curious about this also
  • alfpalmer
    alfpalmer Posts: 150 Member
    i have had mine for almost 3 years - i L O V E it and don't go a day without it in my pocket.
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    I'm going to get one this weekend. But until can go to "forums" and search on Fit Bit and you'll find 100's of posts about them! Good luck!
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
  • kndlkai1
    kndlkai1 Posts: 103 Member
    I went ahead and bought it. I like the fact that it tracks steps, flights of stairs, and will take a look at my sleep patterns. I also like that it syncs with mfp to add what could be extra calories to eat back at the end of the day. A lot of people (myself included) see it as a challenge to get more steps in throughout the day. I really like it. It's small, light, easy to use. The battery life is great so far too.

    Good luck!
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    I've had mine for about a month and LOVE IT!! It's the first time I've had a pedometer that accurately counts my steps. Also, I like how it automatically adds to my exercise on here. Yes, it was expensive. But I feel like it was worth it.
  • Lovelybirdxx
    Lovelybirdxx Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you. I also am interested in the HRM. I think i may have to purchase one of those as well. I ordered my fitbit the other day to see how it does. we will see how it goes.
  • MMoriarty2012
    I love my Fitbit, it's been a valuable asset in assisting with my lifestyle change and MFP success.

    I set my MFP profile to "sedentary", MFP imports the data from the Fitbit site which pulls it from my Fitbit, and then any walking that I do that's more than MFP's calculation of sedentary gets logged as calories to eat back. :smile:
  • jeanarae1983
    jeanarae1983 Posts: 14 Member
    I have one! I really like it. I track food and other exercise (I do Indo-Row, Spinning, Pilates throughout the week) using MFP and let the FitBit track my steps and adjust my calories for the day based on my activity.

    I don't use it as an activity tracker.

    Great battery life, like the sleep monitor function. I think it's a great tool to make sure my calories are where they need to be for the day.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    It really depends on what you want to get out of it. I don't like the tracking for workouts so I continue to use my HRM. I love the sleep tracking as well as the steps I take per day. I love seeing my totals at the end of the week and it challenges me to get up and move more. Having a 8 hour desk job, I don't move much but with the FB I get up more often. For my needs it's well worth the $100
  • Gergal73
    Gergal73 Posts: 36 Member
    I bought the Fitbit about 4 months ago and have not taken it off. I love it. I have talked 5 of my friends/family members into getting this and I have heard nothing but good reviews. It's a great way to know how much activity you are getting on a daily basis. It tracks steps taken, miles walked, stairs climbed, calories burned, and sleep patterns. It has a stop watch and the information is easily downloaded to their free site. It also synchs with My Fitness Pal very easily. Mind you, it is not perfect, but it is dang close. Better than any pedometer I've had in the past. The only thing is that it is not water proof. I would give it a high recommendation. I bought mine from Amazon for $85.00, but would have paid the $100.00. Well worth the investment.
  • p21usa
    p21usa Posts: 426 Member
    I started using a Fitbit one week after starting MFP. It has been fantastic. I love that I don't have to log my walks and I only log my food at MFP...they sync! At first I was concerned that it was giving me too many exercise calories...but I eat almost all of those calories back and I am still losing weight.
    I couldn't be happier with it. It does all I need it to do.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    The FitBit is a pedometer on steroids. It's really awesome, but it's only good for calculating calorie burns from walking or running. Other activities like cycling or swimming won't register accurately. It does not adjust for increased muscle efficiency. It does track your sleep and helps you in finding ways to improve your sleep patterns.
  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    I got one back in May for my birthday and would never go without one! It is super small so it can clip right to your bra or in your pocket without you noticing it. It also pushes me to move around more to hit all my goals on the fitbit website. It tracks your steps taken, miles traveled, calories burned and flights of stairs climbed. As of now my goals are set to 10,000 steps 5 miles 2180 calories and 10 flights of stairs per day. I have noticed that if I hit all my goals or exceed them I tend to drop a lb or two! It also tracks you sleep so you can see if you wake up a lot during the night and see how much sleep you really get.

    Absolutly worth the cash as it does so much to motivate you!
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    I have aready answered this question on several other threads so they are out there....

    I have both a Fitbit and a HRM. Fitbit is great for challenging you to keep active and does fine for activities which involve stepping like walking and running, but is not so good for activies such as cycling, hiking, weights circuit training and certain activies which use a lot of effort - for instance, I was working in the garden today for a few hours and the calorie burn between the Fitbit & the HRM was wildly different because the Fitbit just counted the steps but the HRM used my heart rate to claculate the burn.

    Having said that, I would not give up either my Fitbit nor my HRM so I suppose at the end of the day it depends on what you want from your gizmos which one you chose or, like me, just get both and use them for whichever activity it fits best.

    Oh, and I just LOVE the sleep function on the Fitbit - gives me great insight into why I feel so tired sometimes despite being in bed for hours.... apparently I do wake up a lot during the night, even though I am not always aware of it.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I have one and so does my wife, they are great, it syncs great with MFP and tracks your sleep patterns and all your daily movement. Honestly I love it because it adds a couple hundred extra calories to what i can eat everyday just from moving around. My wife had some issues with hers and we contacted them and they replaced it at no charge. Great site for tracking also, they send a weekly report to your email from your activity. Great investment, although I think i want a HRM also for when I am weight lifting. Fitbit does not track everything.