Here we go again.....

But this time I swear I am sticking with it! Hey all, my name is Julie. I am a 34 year old mother of 1 14 year old boy and a stepmother to a 9 year old girl. My thirties have been cruel to me, no really they have! After being somewhat under weight my entire life, 30 hit and I started to gain...10 lbs here, 5 lbs there until all of a sudden (over 4 years) I went from 5'8 115 lbs, to 5'6.5 and 180 lbs. or a size one to a size 13-14.

Anywho, I am bound and determined to do it this time. The weight came on its own (I swear) but it is up to me to get rid of it now. I have started back at the gym (very slowly) and have cut soda and fast food completely out. Drinking plenty of water, and starting on the right path to cooking healthier and eating lighter. My only problem is, I am not a HUGE fan of veggies...carrots and celery and cucumbers are about the extent of what I eat. Anybody have any suggestions for some low cal snacks that are veggie hater friendly?

So my short term goal is 30lbs, with my long term goal being 60lbs. I can use all the help, support and encouragement I can get, can't wait to hear how you all are doing too! :tongue:


  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    try some pistachios - they are tasty and filling - about 35 cals for 10