Increased Protein Suggestions

I have lost 115 pounds so far in the last 13 months by using MFP to count calories and make better food choices. For the first 11 months, I did it through food choices only, and then added joining a gym into the mix 2 months ago to help with my next phase of weight loss and healthy living/fitness/toning/strengthening.

I check in with a trainer at the gym once a month, and he has told me I need to increase my daily protein intake to 175 grams a day in order to increase my lean muscle and help with my next 115 pounds of weight loss, which will take me to my goal weight.

I'm looking for creative ways to up my protein intake, but I really am not interested in doing high-priced commercial protein shake and bar programs. Any suggestions? Typically, I'm averaging around 100-120 grams of protein per day right now, if I really plan for snacks like tuna, string cheese, etc. I'm not opposed to a shake occasionally for a snack, but I don't want to break the bank buying them or give over 100's of daily calories to them either.

I'd love to hear your favorite ways to get in enough protein, without going into a super-low carb mode. I'm currently eating 1400-1500 calories per day across 3 meals and 2-3 snacks (eating approximately every 3 hours or so, and keeping my total intake in that range, net of the much-debated "exercise calories").

I appreciate your responses!


  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    Get a big tub of protein powder. Make your own shakes, add it to pancake mix, oatmeal or yogurt. Much cheaper than getting premixed shakes/bars plus you control what goes into you and you can avoid all those chemicals and preservatives that manufacturers add to everything.

    I personally like Optimum Nutrition Solid Gold brand but there are plenty of good choices out there. I've heard Body Fortress is good and often pretty cheap at big box stores like Walmart.