Hi I'm new!!

Well my story goes like this.As a childI was always heavy. I never had a "thin period" like most peope do. My mom always made it very known as her 5th child I was an accident. Well she took it out on me by trying to make me hevy on purpose. I was homeschooled my entire life, never had asny friends and was never allowed boyfriends. I started my first job at 18 years old . I noticed how much prettier otherirls were and how well they took care of themselves. I ten went into a very bad depression knowing I was not pretty at all, and hd all of this extra weight on me. I then met my husband at where I work who was my saving grace. He made me feelso much bettter about myself. I told him I wanted to lose weight andhe as all for it. I failed and failed and failed.I discovered after 2 miscarriages I had a bloodclotting disorder and a genetic folic acid deficiency that would require blood thinners to help me carry a healthy pregnacy. It siraled me inot another deressio and I ganed alot more weight. Then I got pregnant again. I had my beautiful son June 5th 2009. I was up to 288 lbs. I m 5 foot tall. I went on weight watchers and was down to 205 lbs. Then I got pregnant with my daughter.She wasborn January 20th 2012. She is now 6 months old and I am at 257. I need to lose 157 lbs.My doctor recommended doing a regimin of 1200 cals a day. and it works great, I just need to incorporate healthier foods. I'd love any support of others I can get!!!!


  • chubbee08
    chubbee08 Posts: 5
    Hi, let's do this and I am sure we can do it. Is not going to be the easy journey but I am sure with all this wonderful people around us and the encouragement we gonna make it. Not to look good and just because we wanted to stay healthy for the people who love us.
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    Hey beautiful! You can totally do this and having a husband who is supportive is going to be a wonderful bonus! Sending friend request
  • newyumyum
    newyumyum Posts: 2 Member
    Welcome I to had a ruff childhood that carried over into my adulthood. We are still here my moto is to let no one still my joy. It is a long journey but we can do it.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    Hey there, I have been here for a while but feel free to add me! I still have a bunch of weight to lose and love to help inspire others!
  • gazz777au
    gazz777au Posts: 157 Member
    I heard your call. FR sent.

    I have been doing this since March last year. Some of it on MFP (which has been REALLY helpful).
