Just started craving sweets!

MissPriss30 Posts: 67
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok...so this sucks because I just stared craving sweets, and am refraining from making the big uh oh and getting the Ben and Jerry's that I am fighting to stay away from. I have got Breyers CarbSmart Ice Cream and I am even fighting that. I am going to push through the night and just hope that my protein shake will take the edge off of the sweet tooth! Ugh keep you fingers crossed for me! :-x


  • You know what that means- time for bed! But hey, tomorrow's Friday. I have a Hershey's Cookies and Cream bar waiting for me that I've been looking forward to since Monday :)
    Good luck, and don't lose sight of your goals!
  • Very sweet of you to reply to my post! :-) thank you, it's is hard when I think about how delicious that the three flavors I like are LOL JUST TERRRRIBLE! Peanut Butter Cup is my number 1 Favorite! New York Super Fudge Chunk is my number 2 and Cake Batter is my number 3 didn't think it would be good when I tried it but, surprisingly it was!! Oh well, maybe I can just wait until this weekend and have a pint of it, meaning (1 pint) lol sometimes I wish I hadnt ever started eating it because it is soooooo addictive, I do not drink, or really even care for real sodas, or pizza, burgers and fries, fried foods in general really. My two vices are mexican food with chips and salsa and Ben & Jerry's its terrible! lol
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I really like the Edy's Slow Churn Pumpkin and Slow Churn Peppermint. They're 100 calories for half a cup, and they really don't taste like light ice cream. You can make it extra special by putting a little light cool whip or reddi whip on top. Great treat when you're craving sweets.
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans

    Try drinking water and in the future don't keep that bad foods around in your pantry or freezer just lots of fruit and whatever is healthy. That way you would have to drive to go get something unhealthy. That always works for me but it is tough since I have 3 kids who like the junk too. Thats why I go with water, nuts, fruit etc...Good luck
  • July
    July Posts: 239
    And edy's slow churt girl scount cookie thin mint!
  • MollySue30
    MollySue30 Posts: 288 Member
    if you are craving something sweet then try skinny cow french vanilla truffle bars..they are 100 calories
    and that curbs my sweet tooth.....
  • Ok, I have a confession to make.....I don't have any junk in my house LOL! I crave that ice cream so bad that I will make a drive to go and get it :-x I also have the low carb version of breyers carbsmart chocolate ice cream and the Wells Blue Bunny Sweet Freedom Ice cream bars only 100 cals and fudge pops all of them are sugar free or no added sugar and very low carbs, the highest is 9 grams per serving. I think I can get through this tonight but boy is the cake batter ice cream calling my name :-x also peanut butter cup and well pretty much all of it lol! I am also ovulating do you think that my have something to do with my cravings and also having some slight bloating?
  • Sure cure for when you are craving sweets....eat a pickle....or chew a piece of gum...or drink a mug of peppermint tea...or brush your teeth and then use mouthwash. I know it sounds funny but all of these have worked for me at some point. Frozen grapes are also a very favorite of mine for evening sweet treats and they are only 70 calories a cup. I wash them & take them off the vine...fill up a snack size baggie (that's just about a cup) and toss them in the freezer. They take a while to eat and they are a WONDERFUL treat! I hope this helps! I also find that the more I eat foods with sugar in them (other than natural occurring sugars) the more I crave them. Try cutting back on it or eliminating it all together. You will find that after 3 or so days you don't even crave it any more. I KNOW sounds impossible and crazy but it WORKS! Good Luck!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Whenever I crave ice cream, it means I'm not drinking enough. I don't know why that is but my head interprets thirst as cravings for sweet, soft stuff.
  • Thank you so very much for all of the tips and helpful advice! I do not know what to think of it, its actually kind of funny because I am not even craving my two favorites its the one that I like the least that I am craving the most!! Ugggggh, why do the best tasting things have to be the most fattening lol?
  • I have icecream in my freezer that i've been wanting ALL night! My husband had some behind my back too, I caught him red handed :mad: And that was after he ate 4x as much as me for dinner...and THEN he had a bowl of fruit loops without milk :mad: I wish I could eat like him and not gain a pound like him, lol. I told him too that just becuase he's eating that stuff behind my back doesn't mean I don't know he's doing it and that it's MEAN. We're both trying to quit smoking right now though....so I kinda get the lots of snacking....I just wish I could be doing it too!
  • sara1786
    sara1786 Posts: 101
    if you are craving something sweet then try skinny cow french vanilla truffle bars..they are 100 calories
    and that curbs my sweet tooth.....

    yes-- they even have ice cream bars that are 80 calories!!!
  • LMAO slimmingmom!!! YOU crack me up!! oh geeze, isnt it pathetic though? I know that my fianc'e can eat like a horse go to the bar drink 5 or 6 beers and eat boneless skinless hot wings with blue cheese dressing, have burgers and fried, pizza, hes not really a sweets eater but when he does eat them its a jumbo bag of peanut m&m's or some other FAMILY SIZED BAG of candy and I sit back and think to myself "That is just a plain ole slap in the face, I mean seriously the audasity to eat that kind of crap in front of me, and then to top it off he has to rub it in by eating the family sized bags of stuff" grrrrrrrrr! I THINK I have escaped the grasps of Ben & Jerry's clutches and will be fine, to be honest I have NEVER escaped a severe craving like I did tonight, I got some Breyers CarbSmart Ice Cream and so far it has sure done the trick! (Praise the Lord) IDK what it is about my cycle and then the ovulation thing but on BOTH OCCASSIONS I crave B&J's and ONLY B&J's ?????? But the craving is much more intolerable when it is my time of month about 2 days prior I feel like I could just gorge on that stuff! I realize it is all hormonal and psychological but I can assure you it doesn't help the cravings go away any faster lol!!! I also self admittedly have a problem with wanted to get the two flavors that I know are my favorite and getting a new flavor or two that I havent tried so just in case I don't like them I have my back ups that I know are the reason I love B&J's in the first place ha! I have been know to get 3 or 4 pints and eat a little of each and throw them away! Its a bad bad bad vice!
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    you know I forgot all those tricks I used to do but they do work. Sugar free will clean out your colon like nothing. Not that it is good but it happens to me everytime I eat that stuff I pay later. Drink water it does help and get the junk out of the house. If you get off the sweets for 2 weeks the craving with stop
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