Tummy target!

I am having real problems shifting the extra few inches from the bottom of my belly. I have been using MFP and going to the gym a lot in order to burn the extra cals I eat. How much calorie deficit do I really need in order to burn this fat? I am focusing mainly on high-intensity cardio (one day I will run 5k, one day I will do interval training and the other day I will do a long, slow-paced run) mixed with various low-intensity cardio exercises (bike, cross-trainer, rower). I am also doing sit-ups everyday and other toning exercises. What exercises can anyone recommend to shift this quick?

Thanks! :-)


  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Try reverse crunches and planks are supposed to be good too!
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    You can't spot-target fat, unfortunately. :( I have the same problem as you - a flabby lower tummy! Some people's bodies just hold fat in certain areas... you'll get it eventually just by a regular deficit.
  • BriaMc
    BriaMc Posts: 177 Member
    What made a huge difference in my stomach was doing a intense ab/core workout EVERY OTHER DAY! I did Ab ripper X (p90x) and Cardio abs (insanity) and within 2 weeks my tummy fat was melting away and my abs popping out. I, like you, was mainly a cardio junky before!
  • theodus
    theodus Posts: 13 Member
    Understand that it may be a genetic feature for you to have those few extra inches. Do you happen to know what your approximate body fat percentage is right now?

    In your position, assuming that it would be healthy for you to drop more, I would start more weight training in general. Even a small increase in muscle will raise your metabolic rate and help to get stubborn pounds off.
  • Wilson929
    Wilson929 Posts: 100
    Abs are built in the kitchen. It's more about what you eat. Your core is more than likely already strong if you are working out on a regular basis. This is why some will say crunches will get you no where if you are not eating right. To get "abs" quicker cut out as much processed sugar and "white" foods like white bread, white potatos, white rice....
    That's my two cents...