Confused about fat



  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    My point was more "look it up for yourself, because I'm not going to spend my valuable time digging for and providing links to peer-reviewed, scientific research that you'll just argue with anyway. Believe what you want".

    Feel free to explain to the others why sugar is GOOD for you, and exactly the mechanisms by which the body uses ingested fat to create or increase the size of fat cells. (since that appears to be what you are arguing...or are you just arguing for the sake of argument?)

    (I say "the others" because I won't bother coming back to this thread. Have fun reading into that whatever your little heart desires)

    And there is ample scientific evidence to indicate that a calorie is NOT just a calorie, and that your body treats (assuming equal calories ingested) things like fat and sugar differently. A diet high in healthy fats will not, in and of itself, make you fat. However (again assuming an equal caloric intake and equal caloric burn) a diet higher in processed sugar is more likely to result in fat deposits around the middle.

    Care to post some of this ample scientific research? What is more likely to be stored as fat, processed sugar or fat?

    Came to ask this same thing

    Google =/= scientific research

    You have substantiated none of the nonsense you posted
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    The fats that are bad for you are the saturated fats and trans fats. Look for polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Stay away from anything that says "partially hydrogenated." If a fat is solid at room temp it is not a good choice. Fats in fish like salmon are good for you. Nuts as well. Omega 3s and Omega 6s are great choices. What you can do on MFP is go to settings and set the categories to monitor the different types of fat. That way you can choose how many grams of saturated fats and healthy fats you want to take in each day and watch them more closely. MFP is very easy to customize to your own individual plan. If you need any other info, feel free to add me to your friends. Ann:wink:
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    fat is goooood. i don't get how people give it up. crazies!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    My point was more "look i'm making things up and cannot substantiate my claims"

    Feel free to explain to the others why I fail at reading comprehension and avoided the questions asked of me

    (I say "the others" because I won't bother coming back to this thread. Have fun reading into that whatever your little heart desires)

    Fixed it for you
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I think that is the first food diary that I have seen that is not tracking protein.. j/s..

    There's not enough of a food diary to really go off of, my personal non professional opinion is unless you have a medical condition that states otherwise, I wouldn't consider that to be a really high amount, @5 9 my daily goal is 93 grams(I'm set to maint so that I can see my deficient..)
    But I will add that you'd probably be better off with whole fish type foods instead of processed(take a glance at your sodium, I could be wrong as it's not shown)
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Healthy fats (mostly plant or fish based) are an important part of your diet.

    Good for brain function.
    good for nerve function
    preventing diabetes
    preventing depression
    and good for heart health.

    I dont' track overall fats, but I do tract SATURATED FAT and CHOLESTEROL
    (Also triglycerides are sugars that make your cholesterol stickier. Cholesterol by itself is not necessarily a bad thing, but when it gets all sticky it tends to clog things up and cause problems.)

    So if figure if I take a 2 pronged approach and keep my sugars and cholesterol in check. I'll have less cholesterol and it will be less sticky.

    If your serum cholesterol has been high, in your next round of blood work you may ask your doctor about C-Reactive Protein, which measures inflammation, which may be a better cue to see if you are at risk.

    There are only 3 macro severly limiting any one category seems foolish to me

    The ratio MFP has set for me is 55% carbs/30% fat/15% protein

    My actual range is between 40-55% carbs /30-35% fats/15-20%protein

    I try to keep my fats plant or fish based
    I try to keep my carbs complex
    I try to keep my animal proteins lean
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    Healthy fats (mostly plant or fish based) are an important part of your diet.

    Good for brain function.
    good for nerve function
    preventing diabetes
    preventing depression
    and good for heart health.

    I dont' track overall fats, but I do tract SATURATED FAT and CHOLESTEROL
    (Also triglycerides are sugars that make your cholesterol stickier. Cholesterol by itself is not necessarily a bad thing, but when it gets all sticky it tends to clog things up and cause problems.)

    So if figure if I take a 2 pronged approach and keep my sugars and cholesterol in check. I'll have less cholesterol and it will be less sticky.

    If your serum cholesterol has been high, in your next round of blood work you may ask your doctor about C-Reactive Protein, which measures inflammation, which may be a better cue to see if you are at risk.

    There are only 3 macro severly limiting any one category seems foolish to me

    The ratio MFP has set for me is 55% carbs/30% fat/15% protein

    My actual range is between 40-55% carbs /30-35% fats/15-20%protein

    I try to keep my fats plant or fish based
    I try to keep my carbs complex
    I try to keep my animal proteins lean

    Not trolling.. Just correcting. Triglycerides are most definitely not sugar... it's pretty much the storage molecule for fat...most common type of fat found in your body formed from three fatty acid chains and a glycerol.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Healthy fats (mostly plant or fish based) are an important part of your diet.

    Good for brain function.
    good for nerve function
    preventing diabetes
    preventing depression
    and good for heart health.

    I dont' track overall fats, but I do tract SATURATED FAT and CHOLESTEROL
    (Also triglycerides are sugars that make your cholesterol stickier. Cholesterol by itself is not necessarily a bad thing, but when it gets all sticky it tends to clog things up and cause problems.)

    So if figure if I take a 2 pronged approach and keep my sugars and cholesterol in check. I'll have less cholesterol and it will be less sticky.

    If your serum cholesterol has been high, in your next round of blood work you may ask your doctor about C-Reactive Protein, which measures inflammation, which may be a better cue to see if you are at risk.

    There are only 3 macro severly limiting any one category seems foolish to me

    The ratio MFP has set for me is 55% carbs/30% fat/15% protein

    My actual range is between 40-55% carbs /30-35% fats/15-20%protein

    I try to keep my fats plant or fish based
    I try to keep my carbs complex
    I try to keep my animal proteins lean

    Not trolling.. Just correcting. Triglycerides are most definitely not sugar... it's pretty much the storage molecule for fat...most common type of fat found in your body formed from three fatty acid chains and a glycerol.

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    For those who believe saturated fat is bad, google the lipid hypothesis debunked. Saturated fats are essential in the right amounts. It is all relative to dose and context. Also, except in high responders with family history of high cholesterol dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol have little to no realtionship. Human breast milk is high in saturated fat. Saturated fat is beneficial to brain function.

    According to The Framingham Heart Study, they have found absolutely no relationship between dietary cholesterol ad serum cholesterol with the exception of individuals who are obese and have high triglycerides. This despite the researchers biase that this realtionship should exist. This study is ongoing and has been since 1947. It is sponsored by the American Heart Association.

    For the record, I don't limit saturated fat in my own diet at all. I am a healthy weight at 61 years old and I exercise regularly. My overall cholesterol is in the 190s, my HDL, LDL and triglycerides are all well within the healthy range for very low risk. Like off the charts low on triglycerides and LDL and great HDL ration. I am not any genetic mutant. There is some history of heart disease in my family in (guess what) obsese individauls, some of whom also had a history of smoking. My EKGs are great!

    The key is to stop fearing saturated fat and eat reasonable and, most importantly, get active!! Exercise is the single most important factor in preventing heart disease! It lowers overall cholesteral, lowers LDL and raises HDL (the good cholesterol).