Am I really hungry?

This happens to me often, usually in the evening. I feel so hungry and feel like I'm craving something really bad but can't figure out what it is. I think of everything I usually crave - Ben & Jerry's, chocolate, hot wings.... but I don't want any of them. At this point I would even indulge in the craving because it is so strong but I CAN NOT figure out what I want! So this happened to me again last night and I think I might have just realized something. I don't think I'm really hungry at all but my body is craving SLEEP. Does that make any sense? Does anyone else fee this way?
So I am thinking that whenever I feel really hungry and am craving something but nothing seems to appeal to me -- then I am really TIRED and not hungry. I am tired most of the time and try to ignore it - so maybe this is why I feel like I'm hungry? Any thoughts? yawn


  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Yup, absolutely. If I am too tired, I want to eat, eat, eat. Especially very calorie dense foods. I assume my body has decided that because I have not gone to bed, I am dealing with a crisis and will need more calories to keep up my energy and brain function. That's just my speculation.