Need suggestions to help my loving husband. :)

Would love to hear some suggestions as to how one would get a loved one to join MFP.

Yes. I know that folks won't stay committed if it isn't their decision. However, I really REALLY think my husband would 'get into it' if he gave it a chance. The problem is he and I are like oil and water when it comes to dieting and such. He tends to stick to diets where as I like to make healthy choices all the time.

He is an amazing man who has struggled w/ his weight all of his life. In the past he has had great success on Atkins. (please don't turn this into an Atkins thread as I know, I know). The problem is, since he has done it AND lost weight he goes back to it. Notice I said 'goes back to it' that is, every time he gains the weight back.

I want nothing more than to support him with his desire to lose weight however he will not get on MFP. Even after seeing me lose 8lbs. And me telling him how much I have learned. I always get the 'look'.

Has anyone had any similar situations? Suggestions as to how to introduce him to the site with out it feeling intimidating, threatening, etc.


  • LisaB55
    LisaB55 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't know that I have any suggestions, but your husband and mine sound as if they could be the same person! Mine has extremely rigid ideas about what he must do to lose weight. He has also always struggled with his weight and is now, conservatively, 125-150 lbs overweight. I have begged him over the years to help me with my eating and to exercise with me, often even at times when he has decided to do something about his weight, but he flat out refuses. He also did Atkins a few years ago and lost 70 or 80 lbs over 5 or 6 months. He is now convinced it is "the only way" he can lose weight in spite of the fact that he regained all the weight and probably more and that when he tries it he can't keep it up for more tha a couple of weeks. He also believes that he is incapable of changing his lifestyle in any realistic way or allowing himself any freedom in what he eats, which means that he has decided that the best way for him to eat is to literally consume the exact same foods every day. And surprise, surprise, he doesn't stick with that for more than a couple of weeks either. He actively avoids support of any kind and thinks that is the only reason to join or download MFP. My 16-year-old daughter and I have now been doing this together for 7 weeks and have both lost respectable, but not excessive, amounts of weight. He even cooks appropriate meals for us and emails us both the recipes so than we can log what we eat accurately, but so far the changes we are making don't seem to be rubbing off.

    I will be very interested to see the responses you get.
  • GhostPack
    GhostPack Posts: 197 Member
    He doesn't need to be on MFP for your support. I would back off of the issue a bit.
    I think you are enough of a motivation to keep him interested in keeping himself healthy.
  • goblynn
    goblynn Posts: 152
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I think maybe just start showing him stuff on your food diary when you've had a great day, exercise logs, and even any threads that you find funny/informative/helpful. Maybe it will peak his interest and he will get on here then.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Show him how it works and what to do. He will be turned off if he is confused or frustrated. I would maybe ask him to just try it for, say 1 week. Just to humor you. If he doesnt like it, he is free to stop.

    Other than that, try to incorporate him into your workout routines/find things to do together, cook together, etc. He might come around.

    But at the same time, dont push it too hard. I would try to be supportive and loving in the ways that he needs, wether or not its the way you would do it. It sounds like you have the best intentions and only want to help.
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    my husband is a workout freak and because of that he can eat whatever he wants and get away with it. So, I started grocery shopping and gradually traded in snacks that he and our sons wanted to healthier things. The theory is, if its not in the house, it does not get eaten. My husband thinks MFP is silly, but with 16 pounds off, I beg to differ. I would not push him so hard to get on MFP, but maybe do different things that would help him. Like the grocery shopping for instance. Find family activites to do together that are active. He might resist, but its worth a shot! Good luck!
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Would love to hear some suggestions as to how one would get a loved one to join MFP.

    Yes. I know that folks won't stay committed if it isn't their decision. However, I really REALLY think my husband would 'get into it' if he gave it a chance.

    ... I always get the 'look'.

    Has anyone had any similar situations? Suggestions as to how to introduce him to the site with out it feeling intimidating, threatening, etc.

    Short answer: You can't get him to join. He has to want it & decide for himself. You can send him an e-mail invite, and let him accept, decline, or hold until later at his discretion.

    I've been on the opposite side of where you are. I've been in self-destruct mode longer than I care to admit, and while my DH was always working out & trying to eat healthier, there was nothing he could do to MAKE me want to follow his lead. I was defensive when he tried to encourage me, and sometimes because I'm a stubborn person generally, even dug my heels in deeper when he tried to "help" me.

    When I finally decided that I needed to make a change, he's been supportive, but that decision had to be mine. And I had to make it when I was ready to make the changes I'd need to be successful. I hope your DH comes to those decisions sooner rather than later, but there's nothing you can do to make them happen before he's ready for himself.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    My husband is doing Atkins. Again. For line the umpteenth time. Tried to get him to try MFP. Nope ''Atkins is the only thing that works for me. Your 'fad diet :noway: ' won't work''

    Ugh. He does great on atkins but when he goes back to eating real life way the weight comes back.

    I have no advice just letting you know you are not alone. Maybe if they see us lose the weight (even though it is slowly) and keep it off they will see the light.

    Good luck.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    <dragging horse to the water> "Drink it horse!" "Why won't you drink it?"
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    All you can do is be an example. I am the only fitness-minded one in my family. I moved back home a few years ago and after 4 yrs of Mom watching sweat flying in my bedroom and doing plyo-burpees and such in my room, the fitness bug has finally hit her now that she's retired. She's out walking a few times per week and this morning we are ordering her a senior citizen workout called "Tony and the Folks" (by Tony Horton of P90X fame). It's been my experience that weight loss and fitness are much like dealing with a drug can't FORCE your will onto someone else. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't force them to drink it...
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    My husband and I are like oil and water on the whole dieting and exercise lifestyle and always have been. I knew before we got married that it would be a struggle for me to maintain my lifestyle and after two kids I can tell you that it most certainly has.

    All I can tell you is that the more you push the more he will repell. Everyone deserves to come into this on their own terms. I suspect in my case my husband's big motivator will be after a heart attack. Damn good thing I'm a critical care nurse with a cardiac background....:noway:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I think you need to leave him alone. If he doesn't want to do it, he's not going to do it. If you can, simply make healthier foods at home. I know that my husband was resistant to my suggestions, but since I'm the one who does the cooking, he had no choice but to stop (for the most part) eating processed junk. So, even though he wanted no part of it (because he doesn't need to lose weight) he's getting healthier and he likes it.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    You've got to let him do it on his own time. Lead by example.

    Probably nothing wrong with reminding him that "if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always get" though...
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    There were a collision of events that led my hubby to MFP. #1. . I had been trying to lose weight for 9 months and complaining that his dinners were really calorie dense and wrecking my eating. . . .#2 his annual visit to the doctor included a suggestion to drop about 20lb (he's lost ove 30 now). . . and he wanted to see if his recipes really were all that bad or not. I told him about the recipe calculator here on MFP and those things were what brought him here. He hasn't logged on in awhile, but he's not into the social aspect of the site. He like using the tools to become more mindful of the calories in the food he was eating so he could make adjustments. And, the recipe tool helped him see his meal prep in a new light. A "win" for both of us. (Yes, I'm spoiled. . . he does all the cooking and I do the baking.)

    If your husband really isn't into it, the more you push, the more he'll ignore it. Perhaps even get resentful at you for bringing it up *again*. Just mention positive things you've gotten from the sight from time to time without any more references to him joining. If he gets curious, he'll check it out or ask you about it. Otherwise, it's not really worth creating an issue out of for your relationship.

    My 2 cents worth.
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    WOW!!! sounds almost like my husband!!

    I cant get him to log his food, no matter what. We did Weight Watchers and he wouldnt log. i literally had to ask him what he ate and log for him. That got annoying for me because, OF COURSE, he can eat a lot more then I could!

    Anyway, keep up with your good habits and slowly, without him REALLY knowing, bring them into your everyday life with him. I occasionally make something really good and healthy for dinner and dont tell him what it is til after he eats it and likes it, IF he doesnt ask questions!

    Good Luck!! I think there are a LOT of us in the position!!!
  • gudiiya
    gudiiya Posts: 116 Member
  • Jomalone2
    Jomalone2 Posts: 129 Member
    Sounds just like my husband. I gave up! He actually joined MFP and lost 5 pounds his first week then quit - GO FIGURE. If they don't want it, they dont' want it. You can't want it for them.
  • dreamingchild
    dreamingchild Posts: 208 Member
    I don't mean to be a downer but it is his choice on how and when he loses weight and as his wife you should be supportive. Lots of people don't need mfp or another calorie counting site to lose and maintain weight loss. Hell for 25 years I did just fine just living my life my way and looked just fine. It wasn't until my older years that I needed something more than what I was already doing. Loving him as he is is more important than having him do things the way you want him to.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I think you should point out that Atkins has worked temporarily but he always puts it all back on plus some. It would be extra beneficial if you do it around family/friends. Shaming/embarrasing him around others he cares about is the only way to make it happen. If that doesn't work follow him around and track what he eats and then post it on facebook. If enough people give him crap he's sure to change.
  • zorylopez
    zorylopez Posts: 23
    I am going through the same thing. I have lost 25lbs so far in MFP. I been here for 90 days. My husband suffers from high blood pressure. And he is 50+lbs overweight. He gets upset that i tell him how much calories is what he is eating. I think by me telling him to workout and count what he eats has push him away. I never saw him eating so much Cheese danish in my life. I think he does this to try me out. He says you want some and i say no. And he will be OK i will eat it. I always ask him, Do you love us? And he says yes. And i tell him it doesn't seem like it because you want to die. His dad past when he was in his 50's from a heart attack. I don't know what to do anymore. I need help too.