Water vs UTI

So the last few days I've been drinking between 14 and 20 cups of water per day.

My frequency for urination has increased so much I'm almost questioning if I have a UTI.

Seems to be every 30-45 minutes...

Am I just drinking too much?
Should I be slamming some cranberry juice?
Am I just paranoid?


  • Music_is_my_soul
    Music_is_my_soul Posts: 792 Member
    I had the same problem when I increased my water intake as well. It will go away. I would give it a 4 - 7 days and if it doesn't go away then go in to the doc.
  • Pacificplayland
    Anytime I go for long periods of time drinking X amount of water and then suddenly increase my fluid intake, I have the same thing happen... It usually takes a week or two for my body / bladder to adjust. Of course if you have other UTI symptoms don't ignore them. :smile:
  • Krisengel
    Krisengel Posts: 161 Member
    I'd say if you don't have any discomfort while going to the bathroom than you're fine. When I had an infection it burned to pee!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I agree with the above posts. I recently increased my water intake and the frequency to go pee has increased right along with it!
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I don't know much about UTI,
    but when I had mine it was the opposite, I did always have to pee but never could.
    So i don't know if I'm wrong about UTI but isn't more then just going pee all the time.
    Because mine was very painful.
    I would said "my-un-doctor" suggestion if it doesn't burn/hurt then i think you are just drinking a lot of water.
  • RainRedfield
    RainRedfield Posts: 597 Member
    I don't know of any other symptoms besides bladder pressure.

    Possibly bladder infection?

    Anyway, I will reduce my water slightly and see what happens.
  • moriaht
    moriaht Posts: 251 Member
    I have had A LOT of UTIs and kidney infections, so here is my advice..

    If you finish peeing and then immediately have to go again (I mean you JUST stood up) that's when it's a UTI. I don't always get burning and such unless I let it go too long... If it is 30 minutes in between its probably not an infection
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    UTI's are the result of bacteria build-up, not frequency. If anything, increased water will help!

    If you're still paranoid, drink some cranberry juice or take the tablets, but I wouldn't worry! :)
  • HulkDiesel77
    HulkDiesel77 Posts: 219 Member
    If you find you are going that much you may want to try to spead your water consumption out a little more............your water amounts are great but sometimes you find running to the bathroom all the time if you drink to much to fast............just my observation :))
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    When I increased my water intake the same thing occurred. The frequency was unbearable so, I saw my internist did a urinalysis & culture which was negative for a UTI. The body became used to the increased water intake. I still go often but, it is more manageable.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    As long as your only symptom is frequency (no pain or discomfort) and you actually urinate when you feel the need to go, you're likely fine. I pee about every hour, I've always consumed alot of water and I've always had to pee constantly, so I've never worried about it. It doesn't make for comfortable road trips, but I'm an expert side of the road pee-er, so it's easily managed ;)
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    I didn't realize you're a dude. It's even more unlikely it's a UTI. Not that guys don't get them, but it is much less common and the symptoms are typically more pronounced.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    It is possible to have a UTI without any signs. Urgency, pain, discolor and smell are the normal ones granted. However.....I just spent a week in the hospital with a systemic bacterial infection. I was there a couple hours before they told me I also had a raging UTI that I didnt know about. I had no signs to speak of. Now Im off work for another freaking week in hopes that the other infections dont return.

    Dont wait too long if you think you have an infection of any kind.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    You're probably just getting used to drinking a lot of water. A UTI will feel like you have to go really bad, even though your bladder is not full, and when you go almost nothing comes out and it is painful. And if you're male it's way less likely for it to be UTI.
  • 1992cmw
    1992cmw Posts: 19
    You will have a lot of bladder pressure. Frequent urge to use the bathroom, but much doesn't come out. Sometimes burning! Reddish or Brownish color urine! Fever! If you are not sure, just visit the doctors. All they have you do is a urine sample to see if you have blood cells present in your urine!
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    I thought UTI's hurt? But i drink about that amount of water too and im always running to the bathroom..flushing the fat! Unless you're having any kind of discomfort, i wouldn't worry about it. But if you feel the need to, by all means go to the doctor.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    If you just have increased urination without urgency or pain/chills I wouldn't worry too much. On the off-chance, a good way of staving off a UTI before it develops into something you need antibiotics for is to take a couple of Alka Seltzer and also drink a pint of room temperature water every 20mins for an hour to flush it out.
  • tararm1
    tararm1 Posts: 2 Member
    UTI's have a variety of symptoms. I get headaches, moodiness, none of the "typical" symptoms.
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    I don't know of any other symptoms besides bladder pressure.

    Possibly bladder infection?

    Anyway, I will reduce my water slightly and see what happens.

    you KNOW when you have a UTI trust me! I've had a million. It burns when you pee, and like one person said earlier, you do have the feeling of frequent urination but you cannot go more than a tinkle or so. It's frustrating and not fun. I drink over a gallon of water a day. I live in the bathroom because of constantly peeing. Like seriously every 15 is norm for me. But that's my choice and you may have to make that sacrifice if you want to increase your water intake. :) Good luck, hope you DON'T have a UTI!!