Ready? Set! Eat!

Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
I thought it might be interesting to talk about how fast we eat! Many people may not know all of the benefits to taking your time to slowly and thoroughly chewing and eating your food. Some, may not even realize how fast they are eating (I was guilty of this one myself before.) Presently, it takes me anywhere from 20-45 minutes to eat a main meal.

I'd love if you all would reply with reasons why it is healthy to eat your food slowly. I'll start off!

Did you know that eating too quickly causes gas!?! I can attest that since I started eating slower (and healthier) my gas rate has reduced by probably about 80%. What a wonderful added benefit to being healthy - less cramps, less sprints to the ladies room, less disgruntled looks from the significant other! :D Just trying to be honest and add some humor to the day as well.

According to the Daily Mail:

"Eating too fast also contributes to wind and general discomfort, says Dr David Forecast, consultant gastroenterologist at the London Clinic and St Mark’s Hospital in London.

‘You’ll be gulping down large quantities of air, which can cause some discomfort in your digestive tract,’ he adds"

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  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I personally prefer to savor what Im eating rather than gulping or hurrying. My ex husbands family were
    gross to watch at family meals or eating in restaurants. They would eat so fast that the food and drink
    would literally be dripping off their chins. :::::shudder::::: It was so nasty..........even 10 years later the visual
    makes me nauseous.
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    Eating slow is something I have to work on. I feel like I eat too fast.
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Me too, I think it takes my conscious effort to slow down and savor (and chew) the food. I think a big part of this for me too is not letting myself get SO hungry that I am famished.

    I did read some other information that talked about the benefits of eating slower in order to make your brain realize that you are satisfied and to stop eating (I think it's 20 minutes.)

    There are so many benefits to being a "grazer"...and so many detriments to eating too fast.

    And the first response to this topic is enough to make anyone not want to eat quickly.