I hate counting calories and not losing.



  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    doing that, after one month I switched it up. I see results in body composition. Small results. Weight never budges.
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    I eat primal/paleo and most people can eat up to 50-75g of carb, sometimes up to 100g and still lose weight. Its not as restrictive as atkins. Lots of people think its stupid or unhealthy or whatever...but how unhealthy is meat, veggies, fruits and healthy fats? And cheese can be eaten (in moderation) on primal as opposed to paleo which is no dairy. Its worth a look and a try. I've been doing it a month and a half and I'm losing, but I have also never FELT better physically than I do now
  • fitmommapear
    fitmommapear Posts: 13 Member
    Hey!!! I live in Japan too!! Right now I haven't been losing pounds very quickly as I was. I think it may be a plateau or maybe just muscle replacing fat. I've lost 38 pounds and am trying to get to 8 more pounds down at least or at least some more definition. I'm not sure why you aren't losing all I can suggest is what I've done. I started using Bodyrock.tv last mid December and lost the weight. I get fast cardio and strength training in a 20-30 min time frame with warm-up and cool down. I make sure that I am eating every 2-3 hours. I have my thing set as sedentary and use a HRM to add in my calories for exercise. Make sure your drinking at least 8 8 oz of water per day to help build your metabolism. If you are eating clean and following your calorie intake you should be losing. Make sure that you are adding in your exercises so you are getting enough calorie intake. If you aren't your body may be in starvation mode and will hold on to the fat you have left to lose. Right now I started Insanity and it is a great workout. If you are sweating a lot while working out and doing cardio you know you must be burning fat. I hope you find what helps you. Try not to limit your intake of carbs unless your going to choose that as a lifestyle change. Maybe instead of getting carbs from bread, choose carbs like quinoa, fruit, vegetables, brown rice, or oatmeal.
  • fitmommapear
    fitmommapear Posts: 13 Member
    Great advice, Cheshirequeen!! Bodyrock.tv helps make this possible because there how tons of different workouts and challenges you can do. Sorry I love Bodyrock.tv!!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I have lost a few cm. from hips and maybe one from my waist. This is where I carry my weight. Anyway. hope you can help. I am seriously leaning low carb now. But are there any other options?

    I don't want to sound unsympathetic here, but if you are losing cm in your trouble areas, isn't this more important than the number on the scale?

    My advice would be to continue as you are doing if you say your diet is on track, make sure you are getting regular resistance/strength training into your routine, and to measure your progress with different metrics (eg tape measure, how your clothes fit, and photos).
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member

    My advice would be to continue as you are doing if you say your diet is on track, make sure you are getting regular resistance/strength training into your routine, and to measure your progress with different metrics (eg tape measure, how your clothes fit, and photos).

    One cm in two months without a budge on the scale. Much less than the .5 lb a week even. Sorry but this doesn`t cut it. Not looking to lose 2 lbs a week or anything, but 300grams would be nice.
  • Cristofori44
    Cristofori44 Posts: 201
    Need more details, such as your current weight, age, height, and your TDEE, and what you have been eating in cals, what your exercise cals are, and whether you have been subtracting those.

    Also, how many pounds do you want to lose? You said you are working with an elite trainer trying to lose those "last 10 lbs."--which, if that's the case, you may not need to really lose weight so much.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Need more details, such as your current weight, age, height, and your TDEE, and what you have been eating in cals, what your exercise cals are, and whether you have been subtracting those.

    Also, how many pounds do you want to lose? You said you are working with an elite trainer trying to lose those "last 10 lbs."--which, if that's the case, you may not need to really lose weight so much.

    I`m using an elite trainer`s workout at home. I need to lose 20 to 30 lbs. My weight 185lb 5'8" tall TDEE 2300 current cal 2000, cut this week to 1800.

    Not subtracting exercise cals. because I am going off a cut of TDEE. I always do my exercise. I always eat clean.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you spoke about having half a slice of bread with a meal instead of a whole one, but why are you having a slice of bread in the first place ? You can certainly live without that. You could set your carbs goal to 50-100 and see how that goes, your calorie intake will probably drop but you won't be hungry once your off the carbs roller coaster.
  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    No open diary... for all we know you're downing 50,000 calories a day of twinkies and sprinting for 16 hours... Would absolutely love to know what your diet is like.

    this made me laugh!!!!
    maybe...sprinting after a twinkie truck. :laugh:
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Ok I calculated your TDEE for sedentary and it's 1919 calories if you were to sit at a desk all day and only get up for food, drinks, toilet, or whatever. I find it easier to set it like this and then input your exercise manually. So underestimate the HRM by like 20% or something. Eat at a deficit of 250 calories and eat back exercise calories. Don't give up after one week and just try and stick at it.

    Drink plenty of water as well because 5lb gain in one week would be impossible unless you ate like 2500 calories a day above your TDEE. Pretty sure it would be due to water retention from either too much sodium, not enough water or changing up your workout routine and working different muscles.
  • bsharrah
    bsharrah Posts: 129 Member
    Keep in mind, TDEE calculators as well as devices to determine calorie burn have larger margins or error than most people want to accept. My advice, set your calories to 1500, do moderate cardio more days in the week then not but do not abandon strength training, and do not eat back your calories. Do this for a few weeks ans see what happens.
  • 0405mommy
    0405mommy Posts: 2 Member
    Not knowing you or your situation completely, I'd say that you need to do more cardio. I lost 12 lbs (have gained back 4 this summer but have kind of expected it because I've been on "vacation" from my ultra-healthy lifestyle of the spring). Some would say I didn't need to lose weight but I knew myself that I wanted to look leaner- so it wasn't as if I had tons of pounds to shed easily. Anyway, for my workouts, I started out at 20 minutes a day, 3-4 days a week and now I do 40 minutes a day, 3-4 days a week (I strength train 1-2 days after the cardio). So I primarily do cardio, with somes strength training. I "eat back" my calories and occassionally I even go over my calorie allotment for the day (and occassionally I am under but I usually strive to be right at the amount). I am very careful with counting and weighing foods. I make sure my calories, for the most part, are healthy foods that my body will consider "fuel" and not junk (though if I really want junk I have it because if I don't I will just overdo it later, for sure!!). I never cheat on my diary- once I ate an entire bag of Pepperidge Farm cookies in one day (!), and I recorded it!! Regarding "low carb," some people are more prone to eat this way and some are not. If you force it you will just eventually resist it and go back to your old ways. Maybe pick one meal a day and try to make it "low carb." Make lists of foods that you would enjoy that are low carb and pick from them at meal times. But don't go crazy! I've struggled with weight loss for many years, and it's been frustrating. MFP is the first time where I've lost weight, know that I can keep it off and am in control in a healthy way, and I've had people comment on my weight loss!! I am wearing a bikini this summer!! Just trying to motivate you to make a healthy lifestyle change- nothing drastic or that is unnatural for you. Good luck!!!!!!
  • missy3479
    missy3479 Posts: 30
    also eat every 3 hours. set the alarm on your phone for your meals.
    Meal frequency doesn't actually matter at all.

    I know everyone is different however I started eating every 2-2 1/2 hours and it allowed the weight to fall off quickly. Never wait longer than 3 hours to eat.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Just to clarify, have you found that you've been successful by cutting carbs in the past, or are you wondering if you should try cutting carbs? If it is the former, then you should definitely discuss with your doctor as it could by a symptom of a hormonal issue, such as hypothyroidism.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    5lb in 5 month = an excess of 120 calories a day.

    You are only recording calories religiously if you include drink and EVERYTHING - and reasonable figures - no like some on here like family size pork pie 500 cals etc!!

    reduce your calories by 250 a day and you will lose 5 lbs in 5 months.

    Reduce by 500 a day and you will lose your 20lb in 5 months
  • coppertop_4
    coppertop_4 Posts: 258 Member
    The two things that have worked for me are:

    HIIT training (High Intensity Interval Training) It's amazing! (I only did once a week 30 min)
    I walked for 30 minutes twice a week too. Only three workouts..... it's more about the next step for me

    I eat 200 calories every two hours. (The healthier the foods the better)

    Sugars and carbs I have to keep low too. Bread only once a day and never add sugar to anything.

    I struggled like you are forever it seemed!!!! I signed up here and counted EVERY SINGLE CALORIE!

    40 pounds are gone so far.
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    I agree with M60kaf. EVERY CALORIE MUST BE ACCOUNTED FOR. You would be suprised to see those small nibbles and sips add up, and they can wreck your dreams. They can reach out and punch you right in the face, or gut. Good luck.
  • almostatgoalweight
    almostatgoalweight Posts: 234 Member
    I'm going to throw this out there and see what happens. I've lost 22kg over 3 years and must have counted calories for 6 weeks of those 3 years. Here is how I lost weight:

    Ate at least 80g of protein
    Ate 500g of vegetables a day
    Any other food I ate is based on a certain level of hunger.
    Weighed daily, and tracked my weight (ie wrote it down and took note of what was happening).

    Here is my suggestion:
    Eat 500g of vegetables, 80g of protein and the rest is made of food you like but don't enjoy *too much*
    Weigh daily with a digital scale. If your weight goes up or down by more than 500g/1lb half the change, then take the lowest weight of the last 4 days. That is your weight today.

    Aim for a certain level of hunger.

    Good luck.
  • Cristofori44
    Cristofori44 Posts: 201
    Need more details, such as your current weight, age, height, and your TDEE, and what you have been eating in cals, what your exercise cals are, and whether you have been subtracting those.

    Also, how many pounds do you want to lose? You said you are working with an elite trainer trying to lose those "last 10 lbs."--which, if that's the case, you may not need to really lose weight so much.

    I`m using an elite trainer`s workout at home. I need to lose 20 to 30 lbs. My weight 185lb 5'8" tall TDEE 2300 current cal 2000, cut this week to 1800.

    Not subtracting exercise cals. because I am going off a cut of TDEE. I always do my exercise. I always eat clean.

    Try not doing a TDEE cut. Enter in your stats in the MFP calculator for a 1 pd loss per week. Subtract your exercise calories every day, preferably w an HRM, and eat them back to hit net. That will.give you a better idea of where you stand. It's possible you're not eating enough, or eating too much. We won't know til you can accurately get a sense of your weekly.burn, which includes exercise cals.

    Other than that, see a doc to get everything checked out.