Anyone from Parker Co, TX or anyone offering accountability

I just joined this site after spending an inspiring week with my sister babysitting. She and her husband have a "healthy" pantry, and I had no cookies, cupcakes, snacks, chips etc to munch on all day (I'm a SAHM) and i thought, you know,I could do this. So I read up on calories, proteins, fats, and carbs, and started a food diary (one day in folks, don't get excited haha) and my sis said I should check out this site.

I would love to find some local friends to have accountability with! Any takers? Any locals? Any crazies?? haha just kidding...

I'm new and learning and would love to have some support here :)


  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    I'm in Tarrant County, so the next county over. A couple of times a month I like to go to Weatherford or Poolville to visit friends. :)
  • Ballard12
    Ballard12 Posts: 109
    im in Cali, and my BFF lives in Colorado Springs, and you can add us both... Pacileo4evers is her screen name :)