Hi I'm new, looking for friends and support

Hi, I'm 25 and started my weight loss journey about a month ago. I was using myfitnesspal app on my tablet computer but didn't realize until now that there was more available from myfitnesspal.

I have a very large belly, and strangers have made the mistake of thinking I'm pregnant. It's very sad and a horrible feeling.

My boyfriend is a very skinny man and he can eat anything and not gain weight. I have picked up horrible eating habits and gained a lot of weight while dating him unfortunately lol.

I'm looking for anyone wanting friends/support for their weight loss journey.


  • Bijoux_Bug
    Bijoux_Bug Posts: 36
    Hi. I'm kind of new here too and looking for friends that share my weight-loss goal.
    When my boyfriend and i were dating we were in the phase of "dinner and a movie" and eating out a lot and i ended up gaining a bunch of weight. And now here i am trying to work my butt off (literally). :laugh:
  • Kelli110293
    Kelli110293 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also new here. Just started today actually. None of my friends have weight problems so it's hard to find motivation sometimes. Being the main target of weight jokes doesn't help with the problem either. I'll be starting college in August and want to make this diet a part of my lifestyle and hopefully get some support from more MyFitnessPal members along the way. It's time to prove all the naysayers wrong and look good doing it! :D
  • boxerfit2
    boxerfit2 Posts: 2
    i haven't been long on here and i workout four times a week but to no avail do i lose weight. I have done every diet and even been on medication to lose weight but nothing happens.I get unmotivated sometimes as i eat very healthy in comparison so i probably need a lot of encouragement too! I will support anyone to reach their goal and hopefully you can help me. One thing i have noticed don't think of food as a diet, eat normal well balanced food, have your treat also. I have only lost a kilo but that is more than i have lost in 8 years; trying to change the way i look at my food. Enjoy the site and i will support anyone just let me know xx
  • clairereds
    clairereds Posts: 23
    also new here, and also found it really hard to lose weight !! Would love to make some motivating pals on here !
  • Hiya

    New too, as of today, good luck.
  • francesiax
    francesiax Posts: 53
    I'm new too. It's going to be a struggle and agree it would be nice to have people to encourage and to be encouraged by. :) x
  • deannasw
    deannasw Posts: 47
    I am *new* in the sense I am back after having been gone for quite some time. I too have a belly where I could be mistaken for pregnant. Hang in there. This site does help. I lost 20 lbs on it then plateaued and got discouraged. This time I have to stick with it. I have gained almost all of it back and am starting over basically from scratch.
  • missy3479
    missy3479 Posts: 30
    First of all congrats on making a step into becoming healthier. I just want you to know that people are ignorant at times. I have been in your shoes before. I at one time weighed in at 526 pounds and people made a lot of mean remarks such as oh wow are you pregnant with triplets, etc. People can be cruel especially to heavy people. This program has helped me tremendously. I have a few people on my page that I get good support from but the rest just like to look at my food journal but not talk. ha.

    My husband is in the Army so you know they are fit well for the most part. He has been my best support system. He has stood by with me through majority of my weight loss. It has taken me nearly 12 years to lose it and keep it off. I follow The Atkins plan by the "T" and sometimes follow Natalie Jill's 7 day jump start when I need a boost back into my weight loss. I need to lose 5 more pounds and trust me those last 5 pounds have been hard to lose. Not trying to be mean but we can not let relationships make us heavy. I had to cut ties with several girlfriends because they always wanted to go to dinner, out for drinks, etc and it was making me gain weight. I couldn't allow for this to keep going on. I stopped making excuses and started losing weight to better myself. You can do it. Some peoples metabolisms are just faster than others so do not get discouraged.

    If you need support you can add me. I wish you great sucess with your journey!!!
  • nataliexxxx
    nataliexxxx Posts: 262
    Hey I'm on here everyday will send you a friend request:) Feel free to add me anyone
  • ChelleFeegan
    ChelleFeegan Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Ya

    Feel free to add me :)

    Good luck on your journey.

  • Hello,

    I love this site and hope you do too!
    you can never have too many friends for support =)
    i will send you a request
    and anyone else is welcome to send me one too if you would like =)
    good luck to everyone! =)
  • Chunk2206
    Chunk2206 Posts: 34
    I've been on MFP for a 10 days now and lost 5lbs.

    It would be great to have some friends to give me a boost when I start to go off track and support others in reutrn. My fiance is skinny as anything and can't put weight on so he doesn't get how hard it is to loose weight and stick with it.

    I've got to loose over a 100lbs to be near by ideal weight so I'll be on this site for a long time!! I won't give up this time because i'm fed up of having tree trunk legs.
  • klinkow
    klinkow Posts: 26 Member
    hello ive ben on here about 2 week and realy think it helps ive got a long way to go and would like more support too. so feel free to add me
  • andie2013
    andie2013 Posts: 101
    I've been here for about a month, still learning this whole thing to lose weight the healthy way. Anyone that needs support or wants to give it, too, feel free to add me...
  • maritsa88
    maritsa88 Posts: 62 Member
    feel free adding me...
    the belly its a common problem don't worry about! many thought i'm pregnant too, now i got a slimming waist body shaper and i have see some results... i think that it does work for me!
  • SLewis74
    SLewis74 Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome! Only been doing it for a few weeks, but really enjoy it. There are great people on this site and the help it offers is amazing!!!
  • Hey, add me 2.. its like my second day here but my second month on insanity ..
  • susiemou
    susiemou Posts: 47 Member
    Hmm, partners not on a diet can be really tough to deal with. Mine knows i have been doing this without slipping for over 3 weeks now, and last night when i was on my way out to the supermarket, asked if i could get him a big bar of chocolate and some snacks!
    Moan over.
    Really well done to everyone that posted! We are all going to be fabulous!:happy:
  • My big belly is annoying me too! Add if you like!
  • Welcome all of you and feel free to add me i'm currently in training for a half marathon and on my first week of Insanity! Remember it's not a sprint to lose weight it's a marathon!