Trying to conceive

Before starting on clomid as my doctor suggested, I decided to loose some weight because I had heard that it increases your chances of conceiving. Any women on here experience this personally Either way I plan on getting to my goal weight, but is it to much to hope that it could help with conception?


  • Stefxtastic
    Stefxtastic Posts: 17 Member
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Your doctors are telling you the truth.

    Weight loss yields more horomonal stabilization and regulation.

    Anything medical related, you will always need to direct to the doctors who are treating you. When in doubt, ask your doctors.... because those doctors are not here on MFP keeping tabs on you.

    Just make sure (I speak on experience with the patients we have where I work)

    The pregnancy is not your primary goal. The primary goal is the weight loss and to become more healthy. If you focus on that first, you will have a much better journey. Too many women get overly anxious, nervous, and just overly stressed over this and ultimately when they do that, then they become the problem that adds to the issues.....

    One day at a time and focus on weight loss as the primary goal.. you can only do one thing at a time.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Before starting on clomid as my doctor suggested, I decided to loose some weight because I had heard that it increases your chances of conceiving. Any women on here experience this personally Either way I plan on getting to my goal weight, but is it to much to hope that it could help with conception?
    I read a study of ladies with PCOS dieting to improve their fertility, two of them got pregnant during the study so I think the answer is "yes".
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    The summer of 2010 I lost about 15 lbs in 2 months and I got pregnant right away. We weren't trying, but we weren't not trying since we already had another kid, but I had been off birth control for 3 years without getting pregnant until that weight loss. My sister and I had been dieting together that summer and she got pregnant a month after me, and she and her husband had been trying for over two years. My cousin went through fertility treatments (spending a TON of money) to have her first. She went on a diet about a year after that baby and lost 60 lbs. She got pregnant on a trip to Hawaii (celebrating her weight loss!) with her husband, not even thinking it was a possibility and she has even had another since then without any sort of medical interventions, she just stayed at a healthy weight during her 2nd pregnancy and lost more again after that one. Same story with two of my coworkers (one even had twins!). Am I a doctor? No. Have I noticed and personally experienced the effect weight loss can have on fertility? Yes. Good luck to you!
  • WandRsmom
    WandRsmom Posts: 253 Member
    Before starting on clomid as my doctor suggested, I decided to loose some weight because I had heard that it increases your chances of conceiving. Any women on here experience this personally Either way I plan on getting to my goal weight, but is it to much to hope that it could help with conception?

    We tried to get pregnant with our second child for 3yrs. When we first started I was at a totally healthy weight, as time went on and i became more depressed, I gained.. and gained. I put on around 70lbs in under a year. I kid you not. We moved cities and the first thing my new dr said was " try losing some weight", I was furious b/c I knew why i had gained it. Anyways , we decided it was killing me mentally to keep trying so we stopped. I then focused on my health, dropped some lbs, and low and behold, became pregnant.


    This is Romilly :), she is my little miracle. I can't tell you %100 that is was losing weight, or %100 that is was me not stressing over getting pregnant anymore ( I HATE when ppl say, stop trying, seriously, HATE it, so I won't say it to you), all I can say it thats my story, and I wish you luck.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I can't tell you %100 that is was losing weight, or %100 that is was me not stressing over getting pregnant anymore ( I HATE when ppl say, stop trying, seriously, HATE it, so I won't say it to you), all I can say it thats my story, and I wish you luck.

    Well - with all due respect, there are some couples who overly try too much and end up being part of the problem.... That stress is counterproductive... its definitely not meant to anger any couple trying to conceive. Its really a part of life - when we stress, we cause hormonal imbalances, an increase of cortisol because we cant manage our stress levels... that pretty much applies to anything.

    Just to make it known that was not how I held my first post.. in fact, it is exactly what we tell our patients at work in the same predicament... its truly a fact in this complicated equation...
  • FelicityEliza36
    FelicityEliza36 Posts: 252 Member
    I have been with my husband for 10 years now ( I just turned 30 ) and for our whole relationship I have been around 270 lbs.

    The first time I went on a DIET in 2010 I lost 18 lbs - I became pregnant.

    First time ever, in 8 years. Before that I could not get pregnant.

    Sadly, I lost the baby when I was 16 weeks and have not been able to get pregnant since.

    I have just lost 9 lbs and hope this will help......

    GOOD LUCK xox
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    There are a couple of good groups on here you should look into. Go to the Groups tab and search for "Trying to Conceive" TTC is a group and I think there is another one called Fit for Future Families (or something like that).
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Ive heard that before as well, and I think its true. Good luck to you :smile:

    Now... if you all see me with a suspicious belly in a couple of months, you know it was JUST because I lost weight :laugh:
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    Your doctors are telling you the truth.

    Weight loss yields more horomonal stabilization and regulation.

    Anything medical related, you will always need to direct to the doctors who are treating you. When in doubt, ask your doctors.... because those doctors are not here on MFP keeping tabs on you.

    Just make sure (I speak on experience with the patients we have where I work)

    The pregnancy is not your primary goal. The primary goal is the weight loss and to become more healthy. If you focus on that first, you will have a much better journey. Too many women get overly anxious, nervous, and just overly stressed over this and ultimately when they do that, then they become the problem that adds to the issues.....

    One day at a time and focus on weight loss as the primary goal.. you can only do one thing at a time.

    Are you telling me that when I lose the weight I'll be more susceptible to pregnancy? That's not cool. AT ALL. >:(
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    I am on this path right now.

    I TTC with my ex husband 10 years ago and we never did. We divorced for unrelated issues and I never really took the time to find out why. I assumed it was because I was on BC for so long.

    Here I am now 37, and with my 2nd husband and we have been trying for over a year. I had a huge increase in weight, osteoarthritis, and degenerative disk disease diagnosed over the years that the weight isn't helping. I am insulin resistant so it has been hard for me. My doctors all want me to have weight loss surgery (please, no lectures. It is NOT the easy way out, believe me) because I have been struggling since I was 9 and dieting since I was 14. I gain, lose, gain more.

    Right now I am working with all of my doctors to try and get the weight down and the pain under control - without surgery. Sadly at some point I could be facing spinal fusion and hip replacement surgery.

    My dietitian, chiro, ob/gyn specialist and primary care doc are amazing women. We thought I had PCOS but it was confirmed I had fibroid's and they are blocking me. I do not have periods. I am having surgery in a few weeks and they are going to force me to cycle so that we can get my hormones back on track. They think this will help with the weight loss too. Diet and exercise aren't working and the exercise kills me cause of the pain but I am still walking and doing DDP Yoga. Once all of that is done they will start me on Clomid so long as I have removed some of my weight because they think that and stress (grad student with 2 full time gigs) is causing me so much grief. I am not pre-menopausal (they checked) so I still have some good years left to conceive.

    If I can't conceive I don't plan to do fertility treatments and I am not really interested in doing Chlomid but I told my husband I would try for him. I have always wanted to adopt, and I was adopted by my father (my mom is my bio mom) so I am ok with that, as well as my husband.

    Just taking it one day at a time and trying not to stress.

    I can't really offer any advice other than to tell you that you are not alone and there are a lot of us out there. I wish you well!
  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    My husband and I were both very overweight when we started trying to conceive. After about a year my husband had lapband surgery and we both started eating better, etc. In about a year and a half I had lost 40#, he had lost 150# and viola! I also can't say it was due to the weight loss, but I do feel that it was a factor to consider.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I am trying to lose weight so I can conceive some day in the future!!! My gynecologist reminded me a few months ago I will be 30 soon and need to think about having a child. Add me as a friend if you want! :happy:
  • Stefxtastic
    Stefxtastic Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am hopeful this will help, but even if it doesn't I think the weight loss is the right way to go. :)
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Before starting on clomid as my doctor suggested, I decided to loose some weight because I had heard that it increases your chances of conceiving. Any women on here experience this personally Either way I plan on getting to my goal weight, but is it to much to hope that it could help with conception?

    We tried to get pregnant with our second child for 3yrs. When we first started I was at a totally healthy weight, as time went on and i became more depressed, I gained.. and gained. I put on around 70lbs in under a year. I kid you not. We moved cities and the first thing my new dr said was " try losing some weight", I was furious b/c I knew why i had gained it. Anyways , we decided it was killing me mentally to keep trying so we stopped. I then focused on my health, dropped some lbs, and low and behold, became pregnant.


    This is Romilly :), she is my little miracle. I can't tell you %100 that is was losing weight, or %100 that is was me not stressing over getting pregnant anymore ( I HATE when ppl say, stop trying, seriously, HATE it, so I won't say it to you), all I can say it thats my story, and I wish you luck.

    CUTE baby!!
  • vickycwked
    Just wondering if anyone has had the same issue as me - i have spent so long trying to get a perfect body that now we have started TTC I was told my body fat was too low at 16% I have managed to get it up to 18.5% but aiming for 20-25% for healthy O. Any success stories?? Just seems topsy turvy...
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Just wondering if anyone has had the same issue as me - i have spent so long trying to get a perfect body that now we have started TTC I was told my body fat was too low at 16% I have managed to get it up to 18.5% but aiming for 20-25% for healthy O. Any success stories?? Just seems topsy turvy...
    I don't have personal experience, but I have read that if your body fat % is too low, it can interfere with your cycle and therefore make it difficult to conceive. If you're not ovulating, you can't get pregnant. Are your cycles regular?
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    We've been trying for baby no2 for15 months and struggling due to my PCOS. My doctor also said that once I reach my healthy weight for my height then we can start Clomid. Right there with you!
  • vickycwked
    went to doctor last week and he confirmed that a percentage of body fat is needed and supports healthy weight gain - apparently it helps to convert hormones into the ones that stimulate ovulation. quite scary that its not well known about!! up to 20% now - the hard part now is keeping it stable and healthy...