Buy a Treadmill or a year long gym membership?

Mawra Posts: 37 Member
Hello there! I'm so confused between buying a treadmill/elliptical or signing up for a year-long gym membership. To be honest, I'm not that motivated to go to the gym everyday, but then again I loved the charged up atmosphere at the gym. I'm thoroughly confused as buying a treadmill or an elliptical would cost me almost a month's pay (around$600).
Also, which would be better at burning calories: Treadmill or elliptical, I personally find elliptical to be a bit more challenging, but I have seen better results on the treadmill in the past (I'd know, since I'm losing weight for the second time and had almost managed to lose and gain back close to 80 pounds :()


  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    Hello there! I'm so confused between buying a treadmill/elliptical or signing up for a year-long gym membership. To be honest, I'm not that motivated to go to the gym everyday, but then again I loved the charged up atmosphere at the gym. I'm thoroughly confused as buying a treadmill or an elliptical would cost me almost a month's pay (around$600).
    Also, which would be better at burning calories: Treadmill or elliptical, I personally find elliptical to be a bit more challenging, but I have seen better results on the treadmill in the past (I'd know, since I'm losing weight for the second time and had almost managed to lose and gain back close to 80 pounds :()
    Neither, get a good pair of Running shoes, and go jogging/running. Save your money to spend on decent food and drink water.
  • nataliexxxx
    nataliexxxx Posts: 262
    If I was you I would buy a treadmill you can use it at any time in the day and don't have to get to the gym and it will last longer, I wish I had a treadmill rather than my gym membership!
    Treadmills burn calories faster for me
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I had this debate with myself about a year ago. Membership or a bow flex.

    I decided to go with the bow flex because if i decided I was not going to use it, i could sell it and get most of my money back. A gym membership would not allow for that.

    Bowflex is also good rain/shine/snow and tornados. Gym...well...yeah.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Its a question of what do you enjoy most and hence what will make you exercise regularly. What about a good DVD programme ( Chalean Extreme, Insanity, Tiebifire, jillian Michael's Body Revolution). Do you just want Cardio or want toning too.
  • Mawra
    Mawra Posts: 37 Member
    Hello there! I'm so confused between buying a treadmill/elliptical or signing up for a year-long gym membership. To be honest, I'm not that motivated to go to the gym everyday, but then again I loved the charged up atmosphere at the gym. I'm thoroughly confused as buying a treadmill or an elliptical would cost me almost a month's pay (around$600).
    Also, which would be better at burning calories: Treadmill or elliptical, I personally find elliptical to be a bit more challenging, but I have seen better results on the treadmill in the past (I'd know, since I'm losing weight for the second time and had almost managed to lose and gain back close to 80 pounds :()
    Neither, get a good pair of Running shoes, and go jogging/running. Save your money to spend on decent food and drink water.

    I wish I could, but we get 10 months of scorching heat in India, that would char your skin and bone rather than giving you a nice tan (don't believe the authors who mulled over Indian summers, it's nowhere as pleasant as the books state), So going for a run/jog isn't much of an option for me.
  • Mawra
    Mawra Posts: 37 Member
    Its a question of what do you enjoy most and hence what will make you exercise regularly. What about a good DVD programme ( Chalean Extreme, Insanity, Tiebifire, jillian Michael's Body Revolution). Do you just want Cardio or want toning too.

    I was looking to shed a bit of weight first. Since i gained around 80 pounds in a year, maybe if i could shed the 1st 20 by concentrating hard on cardio and healthy eating, i could move on to toning along with moderate cardio. I have the 30 day shred, but never really went past the 1st level.
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    Personally I would go for the gym, you can get a more varied work out then. If you mix up your work outs then you will be more likely to go too as you won't be bored.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Do any gyms around you offer a trial period? I know most of them around me here will give you a week pass so you can check it out. See if you like it (if the charged up feeling helps you get there) or if you don't find you use it enough. If you don't-then think about the treadmill or elliptical -plus if you get to do that you can see which machine you prefer better.

    It's up to you-I do both. Everyone is different. I have a treadmill at home as well as a gym membership(I love it in the winter or if it's raining!) but I prefer to be outside whenever possible so I also own a couple pairs of running shoes
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    I would say a gym membership. You are (as someone already said) getting a more varied workout with access to more equipment, resistance machines and with most gyms, memberships allow you to join some classes and swimming. I think a gym would be better to mix around what you feel like doing and avoid possible upcoming boredom from doing the same thing every day, you can find what's fun for you and adjust to working out to what you want instead of it being the same thing.

    My gym membership also allows you to play tennis, badminton, squash etc. So you really do have a wider selection.
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    I had this debate with myself about a year ago. Membership or a bow flex.

    I decided to go with the bow flex because if i decided I was not going to use it, i could sell it and get most of my money back. A gym membership would not allow for that.

    Bowflex is also good rain/shine/snow and tornados. Gym...well...yeah.

    and you can find one on Craigslist!! I vote for the bowflex or eliptical, easier on the knees. My ex husband has a 40 year old coworker who loves to run and is on his 3rd knee replacement. He has since switched to an eliptical. I know when my treadmill dies i will be getting an eliptical
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    Hello there! I'm so confused between buying a treadmill/elliptical or signing up for a year-long gym membership. To be honest, I'm not that motivated to go to the gym everyday, but then again I loved the charged up atmosphere at the gym. I'm thoroughly confused as buying a treadmill or an elliptical would cost me almost a month's pay (around$600).
    Also, which would be better at burning calories: Treadmill or elliptical, I personally find elliptical to be a bit more challenging, but I have seen better results on the treadmill in the past (I'd know, since I'm losing weight for the second time and had almost managed to lose and gain back close to 80 pounds :()
    Neither, get a good pair of Running shoes, and go jogging/running. Save your money to spend on decent food and drink water.

    I wish I could, but we get 10 months of scorching heat in India, that would char your skin and bone rather than giving you a nice tan (don't believe the authors who mulled over Indian summers, it's nowhere as pleasant as the books state), So going for a run/jog isn't much of an option for me.
    What is the heat like at 5am in the morning? I've a friend from the Punjab who tells me it can get a lot cooler in the morning round about 29 to 30oC, why not run then?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    You want to lift weights from the beginning along with doing cardio.. not just do cardio to start and then start lifting.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    3yrs ago I purchased an elliptical. I used it consistently for about 5mths, then went off the idea.

    After about 1 year of using it as a clothing rack, we sold it.

    Over a year ago I joined a gym, And I've been at least 3 times a week for over a year now, I'm much more motivated to go, I enjoy access to classes, to weights, to the treadmills, ellipticals and personal trainers.
  • jennings1331
    GYM! Yes, having a treadmill at home is nice and convenient, but let's face it, how often would you actually get on it?? I have a treadmill of my own just sitting in my basement, untouched for months! When you get a gym membership, there's a bunch of people around you which naturally makes you push yourself harder. Plus, if you find the right gym, like Aspen Fitness, the memberships are cheap and include free group fitness classes like zumba and yoga and such which will give you something new to do to break up the monotony.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Its a question of what do you enjoy most and hence what will make you exercise regularly. What about a good DVD programme ( Chalean Extreme, Insanity, Tiebifire, jillian Michael's Body Revolution). Do you just want Cardio or want toning too.

    I was looking to shed a bit of weight first. Since i gained around 80 pounds in a year, maybe if i could shed the 1st 20 by concentrating hard on cardio and healthy eating, i could move on to toning along with moderate cardio. I have the 30 day shred, but never really went past the 1st level.

    These programs are great for losing weight because if you build and maintain muscle, you'll burn more calories at rest; causing you to lose weight quicker. You'll also maintain a nice lean physique instead of just a skinnier version of you (with the same body fat).
  • noweightfisherj
    noweightfisherj Posts: 220 Member
    I would buy the treadmill, and if you find you don't like it, you could sell it and then still join a gym with the money.
  • Redskins76
    Redskins76 Posts: 68
    Buy a gym membership! What I have notice from anyone I know to purchase a piece of workout equipment including myself it turns into a coat rack or taking up space collecting dust. Going to the gym gives you more choices and motivation seeing others working out encourages you. Having the choice to be at home with your bed and tv isn't a great combo for working out! lol. Whatever you decide keep working out because it makes you feel better!
  • jusme085
    jusme085 Posts: 16 Member
    Im not sure how much a gym membership and treadmill hire costs over there, but in Australia both is reasonably priced, personally i would trial both choices that way you can see what works for you.

    Get a 3 month gym membership and see how you go or hire a treadmill for a couple of months, thats my advice!
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    I was going to suggest neither, get some running shoes and get outside, but then you mentioned the heat and I HATE running in the heat so I totally understand that! Someone suggested getting up at 5am when the heat is *only* 29-30 degrees?! Yikes that may be cool in India but that's hot here in the UK and I sure as heck don't want ot be getting up at 5am if I don't have to!!
    All things considered, I'd go with the gym membership. At a nice, air conditioned gym where you can get a varied workout. Ask a trainer to draw up a program for you and review it every few weeks to make sure that you continue to push yourself as you get fitter and don't get bored of the same old routine.
  • mrsmerrithew
    mrsmerrithew Posts: 74 Member
    Before I joined a gym, I had bought a treadmill.

    I used it a lot, but eventually I decided I wanted more out of my workout - not just walking/running... so I sold it and joined the gym.

    I've been a gym member and goer for over a year now and I don't regret the money I've spent on it. I love going to the gym, it's my own personal ME time.