
I love olive oil, but when I pour it, I was using too much. So I bought a nifty spray by Crisco. The front of the bottle said, "Extra Virgin Olive Oil."

A few days later....I'm such an idiot! I read the back label. The ingredients said: Olive oil, Soy Lecithin, Dimenthyl silicone, and propellent. Propellent? Silicone?!?

Um, that wasn't what I had in mind. Then I found a little gadget that propbably everyone already knows about, but I'm sharing just in case. It's call "Misto." It's a bottle that you add your own olive oil to and with the lid, you pump air pressure into the container so that is will spray a fine mist! It distributes small amounts of the oil evenly. I love it.

Just wanted to share.